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Thank You. You Know Who You Are

7:27 pm Thursday, 18th October, 2012

Sometimes things just kind of happen and I would never have for a moment thought that my ryhmes would hit a positive note.
Enjoy x

Driving home in the glow of autumnal twilight
Mind in overdrive trying to do everything just right

The normal “not happening fast enough” I hear her moan
All of a sudden there is the beep of my phone

A message that has come to me from someone I know
My face turns to crimson, a velvety glow

I have to read it to know what she has said
For the first time in ages a text with no dread

She’s thinking of me and what I’m going through
How does she know that I am feeling so blue?

Is it kismet or karma or some other force,
That is steering my life on this strange new course?

“I am there with you” she says “keeping you warm”
I feel her there with me, I’m no longer forlorn

Not there in person but her spirit is close
She stopped me from feeling so down so morose

A glow passing through me from deep within
I am feeling better, stronger and even able to grin

Twilight is vanishing from my vision now clear,
As I drive onward smiling from ear to ear.

When times are so tough that is hard to go on
It’s nice knowing that her spirit is strong

Being there to guide me on my renewed journey
Ha! The traffic’s improved I may get home early

7:43 pm Thursday, 18th October, 2012


To be able to put feelings into words is truly one of the most freeing things....

We all go through experiences in life (both god and bad) and we try so hard to justify those experiences, almost like having a huge office in our head with filing cabinets and temporary secretary's running around at will, but not actually achieving anything,lol.

Sometimes I find writing about these emtions and feelings helps my head to focus, to sack the lousy temps and find an office junior with a bit more nowse that knows where to put the files, some into boxes marked 'forget', others into 'forgive' which rees my mind up to enjoy positive memoirs which go into a file marked 'LIVING'.

We are all individuals, our experiences are our own, some similar but still individual to us, that is what makes us human, the ability to be hurt, to love and be loved....

It sounds like you have some special people on your side, keep heart....

xx GG

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