Home > Blogs > Hotholzz > looking for a somebody who will used me as their sex toy ;) who will whip me in to shape ;) party on!! > Blog Post

some special ones ;)

1:29 am Wednesday, 17th October, 2012

so ladies & gents iv'e put some extra special pics up for ya tonight ;) and one of my new friends made a valid point before i don't have a fuck buddy anymore, think i need to invest in another one lmao what you recon?

11:22 am Wednesday, 17th October, 2012

Yes please hunny

7:39 pm Wednesday, 17th October, 2012

Worth the wait. Amazing pics.

6:58 pm Thursday, 12th January, 2017

Hi let's have a chat

Blog Introduction

looking for a somebody who will used me as their sex toy ;) who will 'whip' me in to shape ;) party on!!

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