The beginning.
This house had always carried memories from my childhood, some strange and some happy, it is set back on the side of a hill surrounded by woodland and not easy to reach, entry only from a very narrow lane that leads to the coast.
I never saw very much of my parents during the day as they always seemed to be out working, but at night they would always come to my bedroom and say goodnight and chat for a while.
I was looked after by a very close friend of my parents who had a lifelong devotion to them and always told me how much they loved me, but after a fatal fire at one end of the house both my parents died, and I was cared for by my nanny at the other end of the house that was spared by the fire.
When I reached the age of 23 I witnessed the death of my nanny, and on her death bed she handed me a diary and said I needed to read it alone as it held the reasons I never saw my parents very much.
Many years have now passed since this revelation, and not long after I found myself going through the transformation into a vampire, I found I could survive the insatiable appetite for human blood by feeding on sheep or pheasants killed by cars on the road, and maybe once I gave in and fed on a local down and out, lucky his body was never missed.
I have never sensed others like me even when I travelled to London, and now had the burning desire to find a mate, someone I could live the rest of this forsaken life with, and carry on my legacy.
I had always kept up with modern technology, internet, mobile phones and all the other forms of communication in this world, and this would help me set my plan in action.
I found that the internet had an abundance of dating sites, I joined one and within a few days had many friends, mixed male and female, couples and single, I mean who would think that a vampire would be on a dating site, and one girl had taken all my attention, I talked to her for many hours and we both felt that it was time to meet, it was very close to Halloween so I decided to setup a party and invite all my friends and her, invites where sent and it was to happen at 10pm on Halloweens eve, with everyone in fancy dress.
First touch.
The night came and everything was ready, cars were arriving and I spent my time opening the door shaking hands, and lots of hugs as they entered my house, everyone seemed to be having a great time, but I was still waiting for that very special person to arrive.
I was about to give up and the door knocker went again, moving to the door I opened it and automatically shook the girls hand, and a strange feeling shoot down my spine, and I could see something had stirred in her as well.
I invited her in and offered her a drink, we spoke for what seemed like hours with all the noise and fun going on around us which I think neither of us noticed, I then decided to invite her outside for a walk around the grounds of my estate, she without hesitation said yes.
First kiss.
We were getting on really well, lots of eye contact and touches of hands every now and then, we then reached a clearing in the woods surrounding the house, it was now or never.
I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply, she tried to pull away but I held her tighter, my tongue caressing her own and slowly stripping her of her will.
She slowly began to respond, sensing this I closed my mouth more firmly on hers, sucking the breath out of her lungs, trying to take in her very essence, and then breathing my own back into her.
I am sure she had never felt passion like this before; she seemed unprepared for the rush of warmth and wetness between her legs, and the obvious desire that was building up inside her.
I stopped kissing her, but did not release her from my grasp.
"Tell me you're mine" I whispered
"What she said? "
"Tell me you will be mine, lay with me; let me take you and in return I will give you all your heart desires.
Her mouth then uttered the words I longed to here. "Do what you will with me. Take me, my body is yours.
I removed my black cloak from around my shoulders and laid it down in the clearing, and then I slowly and gently unfastened the many lacings that held her costume in place. I then removed her clothes one item at a time. Caressing each area of skin as it found its way into the moonlight, into the night air.
Finally she stood naked before me, her nipples firm and tingling in the cool air.
"Take down your hair" I asked.
With fingers suddenly trembling she reached up and took down the bun she had pinned her hair into. Long and fine, like strands of silk her brown hair grazed her buttocks.
"Lie down and let me look at you"
She lay down on the cloak, the soft velvet caressing her bare flesh, suddenly noticing my dark hair and piercing eyes, she seemed to except her fate and whispered.
"Make me yours"
I have waited for you for too long, and you will do as I ask, I knelt next to her as if before an altar and began to worship her using my fingers and mouth, I stroked her breasts and tongued her nipples and when she began to sigh softly I then began to lightly nibble them, working them with my teeth which caused her to moan, I slowly worked down her body licking and sucking until I came to her bare pussy, she arched her hips slightly inviting me to touch her, to taste her.
My mouth caressed every fold, licking and tasting her, my tongue caressed her clit as I inserted first one, then two fingers inside her.
No way back.
Once this was done I whispered, there is no going back. Are you sure you want this.
She gazed into my eyes, "I don't know why or how," she said but I know I belong with you. I know that if I leave here tonight and I am not with you then my life is worth nothing, If I die in this moment I will not care so long as you make me yours, oh God just take me, please.
I must have you she said.
She sat up and began to unbutton my shirt, kissing my flesh that was revealed. My pale skin was luminous in the moonlight, she worked her way down to my trousers, her hands moved of their own accord, unzipping them and caressing my manliness that was hidden inside.
Once I was as naked as her, her mouth followed the path her hands had left, first my nipples and stomach and finally she took my cock into her mouth, her tongue circled the head of my cock as she sucked harder and harder, she delighted in the way I grew harder and in the way my breathing grew rapid.
"Lie down," I whispered in a tight voice.
She complied and I put my weight on top of her, she looked up into my eyes as she felt me press my cock against the opening of her vagina, our gazes remained locked as I thrust slowly into her.
I began to move inside of her, first slowly and then together we found a rhythm, looking down at here I could see that she had never known such pleasure, she had never known that sex could feel this way.
"Deeper!" she cried, wrapping her legs around me, clutching my arse and drawing me to her.
My thrusts became more excited, almost violent, my cock filling her completely, my balls hitting her arse, moving my fingers beneath her, I started teasing her anus.
"Oh Yes please" she cried.
I worked my finger up inside her ass and moved it in time to our movements.
"Oh God," she groaned, "Never stop."
I answered her by kissing her deeply, then moving my mouth slowly over to her neck, I began to suck and nibble and continued thrusting harder into her, as her climax built I took my chance and she felt something she didn't expect.
A flash of pain.
The pain of my teeth breaking the skin of her neck, my mouth firmly clamped on her flesh, sucking as she fell into the abyss of pleasure her orgasm brought, I shuddered and spent myself inside her and ceased my dark kiss.
She lay beneath me without strength nor will to move, her gaze locked onto my face hoping it would be the last thing she would see.
"Stay with me until I die!" she whispered.
"Stay with me forever!" I replied.
Using the pin she had used for the bun in her hair I pierced the skin just above my heart, the blood flowed brightly crimson over my pale flesh and I drew her mouth to the wound.
I let the warm blood drip on her mouth and let is salty sweetness flow down her throat. Slowly her strength returned.
Start of a new life.
We moved apart and dressed in silence. I could hear her heart pounding; she turned to me and asked.
Truly Forever my Lord?
Oh yes my love forever.
We held hands and walked in the moonlight, I turned to her under the full moon of Halloween. And said, now my love it is time to feed.
With a knowing look in her eyes we made our way back to the party.
The end.
9:56 pm Monday, 15th October, 2012
Mmmmmm showing the dark side,lol. |
9:58 pm Monday, 15th October, 2012
Thanks. |