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A question for the ladies please....

4:00 pm Wednesday, 24th June, 2020

I ask this question genuinely as, let's face facts, there is an underlying reason why we free thinking, liberal people congregate on this site, but what is the consensus to cock shots on a male profile? I'm under the impression we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.... Thanks for your feedback and stay safe in these mad Corona times... Mike 💋💋

11:33 am Monday, 21st December, 2020

Cock shots are fine, we're here to connect and are liberal with what we're comfortable sharing. The issue is when there's nothing more, no engagement other than pure thirst and an attitude that another's only worth is to get you off. That can be hot but it becomes tiring when we see the same attitude over and over 

9:48 am Sunday, 7th February, 2021

First, thanks for asking this question. I am sure I might come across prudish but I would rather not see cock photos or butt plugs for that matter. Privately and consensually - absolutely! It would be a natural progression, surely.  Personally, I would be more hooked by wit and humour. Otherwise it feels like; here my dick and I am looking for a vaginapocket for it. 

5:16 am Wednesday, 10th February, 2021

No need for cock pics on profiles. No need for unsolicited cock pics at any time. You’ll know when it’s right to send them to someone you’re chatting to cause she’ll be sending pics of herself to you...that’s the time to show your ‘appreciation’ 

2:04 pm Saturday, 6th March, 2021

I would say unnecessary. I wouldn’t write someone off because they did have them, but it’s not something I need to see.

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