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Strike a Pose - Upping your profile picture game!

4:24 pm Monday, 22nd June, 2020

Boost your Profile Picture!

Ok, so we all know that a profile picture pretty much guarantees more interest in your profile, but are you really bringing your ‘A’ game to your photo? Here’s my top five tips for how to make that profile pic just a little better. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but some basic starters to get you on your way.

Turn the lights on

Ok, we’re all on digital photography these days and digital has a tendency to go a bit grainy and pixels with poor light. Plus, no one wants a picture where they have to work out exactly what’s being shown, so make sure you have some decent lighting when you take your picture. I’m not suggesting we should all get professional photos or a big lighting rig, but at least consider the lighting. You’ll probably even notice that with good lighting, it smooths certain things out and can actually be much more flattering, so don’t be afraid to experiment. The same goes for if you’re taking pictures of things other than your face! In fact, many of these tips will work for those things too! So, lighting! Think about it!

Finding your angle

Just as I discussed in my bit about webcamming, angle is super important in a photo, as different angles can give a completely different look to your pictures. For a face pic, you’ll definitely find an angle from above much more flattering. It lets you stretch your neck a little and avoid things like a double chin while also making a better feature of your eyes, which are known as the window to the soul for a reason! Even a picture taken from just above the eyeline will be more flattering than those taken from below, it doesn’t have to be a super high angle. It’s another thing to think about when playing around to get a good picture.

Expression is everything

Now, serious, brooding and moody is one thing, but it doesn’t work for everyone. In fact, in the dating pool, it doesn’t really work for anyone. You want to appear approachable and friendly, but these types of pictures often come out as a bit sinister. Try smiling. It doesn’t have to be a big toothy grin, just a slightly warm smile if that’s all you can muster. In fact, that’s probably best, as this is a fine balance – you don’t want to look too manic either! So, not stand offish, not manic. Warm and approachable. Be friendly.

It’s not just you that’s on display

Remember, your pictures are likely the first thing people with look at, so think about what you want them to say about you. If you’re wearing a T-shirt with something a bit controversial on it, is that the first thing you want to be judged on? Even if it’s out of context, have a think. The same goes for if there’s a messy background, as we discussed in the webcamming article. Do you want the first impression of you to be the mess? If you think it’s not that important, I’ll let you in on a little secret: There’s a comedy website I regularly visit for a giggle which critiques peoples ‘interior design’ based on their dating profile pictures and it’s an absolute riot! The very existence of something like that proves it’s not just the foreground we’re looking at!

Update Often

A lot can happen in a couple of years, which can show in your profile pictures. We’ve all been guilty of this one, probably more than once, but you really should update your photos regularly to make sure they’re still current.
It’s an unpleasant truth that time comes for us all and you’re probably not going to get anywhere if you’re using a picture of when you were effectively completely different. If you end up meeting or camming with someone and they see you as you are now, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re disappointed in your appearance if you’ve changed, but if they have a slightly negative reaction, it may be because they feel like they’ve been misled a little, which is not going to bode well as the foundation for anything. So what if there’s a few more wrinkles or a little extra weight? Embrace it! Take a new favourite picture – just make sure it’s of who you are now!

I’ll let you in on a little secret which the world tries to make us forget by constantly bombarding us with images of ‘perfect people’: Firstly, many of those are airbrushed to wishing an inch of reality and, secondly, no-one is actually perfect. We all have our own gripes and insecurities about our own appearance, but we can either accept them or find a way to change them. Either way, you are who you are and you’re going to get nowhere by pretending to be someone else. Find comfort and confidence in the skin you’re in! This is most certainly something you CAN do (even if it doesn’t seem easy).

These may sound obvious and basic, but you’d be surprised at how often these can be overlooked, not to mention the effect a good spruce up can have! Have a little play and take some new favourite pictures. Share yourself with the world and put that smile on. Have fun out there!

Happy Snapping!

Stay Safe, Stay Sane, Stay Vidalicious

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