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For Goddess - A Flight Together

3:09 pm Thursday, 11th June, 2020

We are flying together for our first long trip. You are excited to be traveling, especially as we have been upgraded. The flight is trans-oceanic on a 787, so the first class seats recline and the divider between them can be removed, but at the same time the two seats themselves are somewhat isolated from the other FC seats in the cabin.

We settle into our seats and since we knew we were going to be on long overnight flights, we are both in light weight track-suits, kind of clothes, although my pants do have a pockets.

Since we are in the front of the plane (Row 1) there isn’t any passengers walking thru since the boarding door is between first and business and thus is behind us. You ask me if I am wearing briefs or boxers and when I answer, you say it doesn’t matter since I need to go to the bathroom and remove them and bring them back to you at the seat. I get up and go to the lavatory and do as I was told. I then go back to my seat and discretely present you with my undergarment.

We buckle into our seats, and you put your arm across the center divider so as to hold my hand in yours on my lap. The flight attendant comes by to offer us a pre-flight glass of champagne and as we toast the start of the trip, you move your hand discretely, but the flight attendant sees this and tells you that she can just remove the center divider, so as to give You more access (and She says this to You with a sly grin).

She also somehow determines that you also need a blanket to place over the two of our laps and legs, and she provides one to you for that purpose. It’s almost like the FA is actively participating in whatever You have in mind for the flights entertainment, and while I have traveled over 4 million miles / provable with the App; I have never been the target of such a specifically defined set of actions during a pre-flight that there is a certain amount of trepidation setting in, and you see this And you squeeze my hand to re-assure me.

Eventually we take off and as this is a overnight / red-eye kind of departure the light are turned off in the cabins, we recline our seats to almost a full lie flat kind of position, and at first it is just the two of us laying on the seats, with faces turned to see each other.

Without me noticing, the FA has now moved behind my seat, and as you say to me that I should put my hands over my head, I discover that the FA has a set of seat belts deployed so that she can now secure my hands so that they are bound in position above my head. You recline the seat some more, so that my head is now flat on the bed and you now put a blindfold on my eyes from the amenity kit that the airline provides. Later of course you admit that you and the FA had communicated previously and that She was also had her own dominant tendencies as well and thus approved of Your intentions for the flight.

While I know there is a blanket covering us up, I’m also well aware of how vulnerable I am since I can’t see and the nature of being on an airplane means that I cannot be too vocal in my protestations, something that you actually decide to eliminate by slipping a small breathable ball gag into my mouth.

Again with the blindfold covering most of my face (boutique sleep mask from the kit), there isn’t any way to see that I am gagged unless you are right over me. The FA does notice and gives you a thumbs-up signal, also she lets you know that at least for the next 4 hours there won’t be anybody around in the cabin, and as she leaves the seats, she assists you in fastening a couple of seat belts across my ankles so as to secure them to the seat as well.

You now whisper softly into my ear that I am about to become Your subject for a ‘flight experiment’, and with that you grab the waistband of my pants and pull them down completely so that they are now also bunched up around my secured ankles and it would appear that I am now nude from the waist down while secured in bondage to a first class seat on a red eye flight. And since I am also gagged and blindfolded, I have lost just about all of my sensory capacity and am literally in your hands.

You move quickly to take advantage of this situation, this includes what appears to be your moving your hand under my ass and putting some object into my rectum. It’s not fully inserted (yet), but I can tell that you plan to push it further.

And I’m right because almost immediately I feel you push into much deeper and as it goes in, it starts to vibrate and I realize that you have put a vibrating butt plug in my ass, and this makes me worry that the sound the vibrator is making could be heard, although I realize that the noise level in the cabin is so loud that it’s unlikely that the vibrator could be heard outside of the confines of our seat.

Meanwhile it’s almost like you can hear my thoughts and so now to take out my last sense (hearing) you put a set of earplugs into my ears, and now I realize that I am completely at your mercy and not even the usual level of correctness on the aircraft is going to help me, since it is clear that you have at least some level of arrangement with the FA.

You know you have me in a powerless situation and so you are letting me wait for your next move. Meanwhile the plane is experiencing some turbulence, so in addition to all of what I am aware is going on, the plane is also bouncing around to a degree, heightening for me the potential anxiety that I could be seen randomly by another passenger while in my current situation. As I consider this, I feel you starting to slowly stroke the space between my legs just below where my scrotum is.

With all of the senses that I can’t use and with my inability to move, hear, see or speak, all of the actions that you can do to me is now significantly multiplied along with the underlying feeling that you literally own me at this moment and that I must sublimely submit my entire existence to your thoughts and actions. You of course know this, and soon I feel a very cold blast on my balls, you must have put a bag of ice right onto seat and I can feel that between my legs, I feel my self shiver and then I feel you blow you now hot breath across my groin and directly above the head of my sex. 

I can feel the blanket being moved off of my legs and upward so that i now know that my entire lower half of my body is exposed below a blanket that is covering my upper body and at least part of my now blindfolded / gagged and headphone covered head. The thought is now in my head that while I’ll never be able to prove it, it’s clear that the FA is going to have at least a partial view of whatever You Intend to do to me as I am completely in the throes of Your mercy and pleasure. As I consider what You could now actually do to me; the plane lurches in a series of turbulent rolls; u quickly cover my legs, and I also feel you grab my hand. I squeeze your hand back to both acknowledge that I appreciate your gesture and I also do it to comfort you for although I can accept the complete bondage situation you have me in; and of course I am submitting to you doing this to me quite willing, I am also the much more seasoned flyer, and so by squeezing your hand back, I’m letting you know that we are ok on the plane and that I won’t let anything happen to you in the larger vanilla real world of the airplane flying across the ocean, just like I trust you not to let anything happen to Your submissive who is in complete Bondage and sensory deprivation to you whilst on this flight, and thus must trust that You will of course take care of me.Soon the bouncing slows down, and then goes away completely; the FA comes over, it’s gotten so that I can tell by her perfume when she is standing next to our seat, my sense of smell is heightened significantly since you have removed all of my other senses from use. She says something to you, but with my ears covered, I can’t hear what it was; I do know that the blanket covering my bottom half is removed, the straps around my ankles are loosened, and my legs are arched upwards and separated; and then strapped to either side of the recliner part of the rest such that they are splayed open and my thighs are resting on what must be pillows, then a blanket seems to be over my waist, although it’s very open air for my manhood and even more so for my anal passages. Again I hear the FA’s muffled voice and it seems like there might have been at least one other voice as well, which of course only serves to heighten the sense of inclusive humiliation that now there were at least 2 other people who were participating in Your plans for me. At this point I can feel the butt plug that you had previously put in my ass being removed, and then I feel some cream / lube that is inserted followed very quickly by a solid and smooth penetration that I later am told by you is a glass dildo. 

Whilst it is being rhythmically inserted and removed repeatedly from inside me, I can also feel movement at my head / neck area and in what was clearly a very well practiced movement, the gag came out of my mouth, and my mouth and tongue was suddenly engulfed by an incredibly hot and wet pussy that I immediately commenced to lick / suck and kiss as it was in fact sitting on my face which of course compelled me to respond as I was. But since I was still feeling the inserted dildo whilst I was being sat on , I know there was at least one more, or others participating. I knew that someone was also rapidly using my cock and particularly my testicles as something that they needed to hold onto extremely tightly, and again with the almost the same clocklike precision another transformation took hold, and now, I was masked completely, except for my mouth and tongue while my erect cock was being ridden to explosion and my ass was actively under inserted penetration that certainly felt as if it was rhythmic such as what a strap-on would be like.Whether it was from my efforts, since I don’t know who it was that was sitting on my face, but whomever it was had several real / violent / drenching orgasms, nearly causing me to gag from the flow of warm pussy juices gushing from the vaginal reaches above my head.As this was happening, the dildo in my ass was being increasingly accurate in its direct hits to my prostate which combined with the rhythmic sliding up / down on my very rigid cock, by what I still believe is a pussy, but what I realize could easily be a mouth; I become Overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of the situation and I dissolve into an orgasmic explosion of sheer nakedness in the purest sense of the word. At this I must have blacked out, as I wake up later still on the flight, you are curled up on the seat next to me, my sweats are back on, we are both reclined to about 120 degrees so not completely horizontal and you have you hand entwined with mine; there is a blanket covering us, and our seat belts are on over the blanket.I notice that I need to use the restroom, so I carefully move your hand, then disconnect my seat belt and then slide my feet off the seat and go to the bathroom. As I looked into the mirror I noticed that there were some marks on my face that looked like they came from my cpap mask / but I knew I hadn’t had it on. So I was puzzled by would could have caused this. As I left the lavatory the FA was standing right at the door, and as the plane lurched a bit as I opened the door it seems like She intentionally reached out with her hand to grab at my scrotum / testicles and squeezed them enough for me to notice. As I looked at her doing this she had a huge smile on her face….And you were sleeping and grinning ear to ear….

1:52 am Sunday, 28th June, 2020


1:52 am Sunday, 28th June, 2020

8:27 pm Sunday, 23rd August, 2020


3:03 pm Sunday, 10th January, 2021

Hello am mistress Stacy 

4:21 pm Friday, 14th May, 2021

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