Part 5.
I moved her legs apart and started to rub the end of my cock against her now very wet pussy, she pushed herself hard against me and I could hear her mumble fuck I please fuck me, I still did not want to push it inside her yet this foreplay was the best part. I looked around and noticed an old oil barrel laying a few feet away, I untied her and moved her over to it laying her over the barrel face down, removing the gag I then used it to tie her hands behind her back.
Moving around to face her I slid my cock into her mouth and used the barrel to rock her back and forth, now I was very close to spurting my load into her mouth, taking my throbbing cock out I moved around to the back and parted her arse cheeks gently probing around her tight arse hole, my pre cum allowing it to slid into her arse without any problems.
By now she was moaning as I thrust in and out of her arse, I started to play with her clit, we were now both past the point of no return, with every slap on her arse she moved harder against me, now I really needed to fuck her, pulled out and slid my cock into her warm pussy, now was the time I had been waiting for.
The sound of sirens, people talking and girls screaming made me lose my concentration, I felt so cold? Opening my eyes slowly I was seeing a different view of the world.
I was lying in the street and I could see my car tyres, a very sharp pain in my chest was making it hard to breathe, and I could see a pool of blood around me, people where telling me everything would be ok.
It’s funny how the mind works when you’re unconscious, all those thoughts and feelings running through your mind.
I looked over towards the club and there she was, she was holding my briefcase and the man who was with her was slowly putting a gun into his jacket as they walked away, god they must have had this planed for weeks.
And the last thought that went through my mind as I took my last breath?
I did not even have the chance to cum…
The end.
4:38 pm Monday, 8th October, 2012
You really are a cheeky devil safehaven.... lol, maybe I could coax your subconscious into a better ending in your next dream? That story sure brings a whole new dimention to having your breath taken away, now doesn't it? xx |