Home > Blogs > LuisPa403 > I feel young, and my voice sounds even younger. I m so ready to be submitted by a dominant-type(s ), and sweetly humilliated for your viewing or action pleasure. > Blog Post

Hello friends and lovers.

4:55 am Friday, 5th June, 2020

Let the good times roll. 
She was not happy. Her sister had been shocked and bewildered. As the eternal maiden spinster, her sister Blanca had expected an extended stay without any major events or upheavals. 
What she didn't know was that her brother-in-law, Neo, had been slowly but surely, lulled into a celibate state for several months, by an indifferent, cold-hearted, frigid wife. 
An empty bed became his morning routine, as the wife always found a reason to leave him high and dry with a purposeless morning boner. "I had to look after the pets. I had to prepare the garnish for today's lunch. I heard a noise outside. I felt queasy so I went to the bathroom. I was hungry I needed something to eat. I have indigestion from last night's dinner. My cramps are bothering me." 
The reasons and excuses became meaningless as he waddled in his frustration, growing in tandem with his unattended morning erection. The morning started quietly enough. As he stared awake, and confirmed his suspicions of yet again an empty bed, he heard the voices. 
The wife and sister-in-law were having an animated conversation regarding yet aborher useless discussion. The door to the bedroom ajar, on a whim he shoutted "Hey how about a cup of coffee for the man of the house" 
He stood by the bed, butt-naked proudly radiating his erect member wondering who would bring the cup of coffee. It was a risky stand, as it could likely be the sister-in-law Blanca, but just as likely, that uncaring indifferent wife. He stood his ground with a knee on the mattress while his other foot stood firmly at the corner of the bed. 
Unfamiliar steps shuffling towards the bedroom excited him even more,  his erection palpitating to a excitedly beating heart. 
Not the wife's steps for sure, he thought to reach for cover, but stood still, exhibiting his male grandeur. The door slowly swung open, and Blanca momentarily derailed by the surprising sight, approached the bed frame footing, and carefully placed the cup of coffee on the opposite corner from where he and his proud erection stood, while displaying a muted expression at rhe unexpected display of male genitalia. "Here is your coffee", she said Transfixed, without taking her eyes from his as she retreated back and away out of the bedroom, leaving the door ajar as she left. The coffee tasted richer and it's aroma was perfect. He strained to hear the flack the muted encounter may have provoked, but the conversation beyond the door remained pedestrian and domestic. Two years past before Blanca returned for yet another extended-stay. And it was then that he finally found out how unhappy the wife had been since Blanca's last visit. That unexpected coffee-encounter between her sister and her husband had simmered the wife's rancor, culminating in a ploy to punish the aberration in such way, that it would not occur again. Yes, indeed. She was not happy. 

Blog Introduction

I feel young, and my voice sounds even younger.  I'm so ready to be submitted by a dominant-type(s ),  and sweetly humilliated for your viewing  or action pleasure.

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