Over time you asked me several times about experiences at the swing clubs and orgies. And then one day you said “I want to go to one to see what it’s like. Would you be OK with it?” We had all day planned already, it was coming up in few weeks and I said if you want to see for yourself, then why not. So I made the arrangements to go to by invitation only swing party at the private house. We bought masks, not leather but silk, so we could be comfortable yet unrecognizable and went to that house. The rules at the party are the same as the rules at any swinger’s party. Everyone obeys and honors limitations of every individual couple. One common rule is that everyone entering must be nude. When we got there to my surprise you were more comfortable with your nudity than I. You undressed quickly and proudly stood waiting for me to get undressed, then took me by hand and walked into a play pan area. There were alcohol drinks, wines and champagne at the bar, you took a glass of champagne, chugged it down, then took another and started sipping slowly. By the time we got there the party was already in full swing and there were many couples having sex in all kinds of positions. There was only one couple having monogamous sex. All others were threesomes or foursomes of different varieties. There was even one five people combo. Man on his back with woman on top of him with his penis in her ass, with penis of a man standing next to them in her mouth. Another woman sandwiched between two men facing that woman and giving her oral. You took me by the hand and walked to the couch where we sat down and you said “I just want to watch for a while. Is that OK with you?” I didn’t mind and we sat observing activities and listening to a very loud noise combining moans of many men and women. Right in front of us was a foursome. One man was on his back, woman on top of him facing him, a man behind her giving her anal and man in front of her whose penis she had in her mouth. All four of them where making noises varying in intensity and loudness. You were mesmerized by that scène and couldn’t take your eyes off of them. The men were switching every so often and a woman would switch from being face down to being face up. At almost no time did she have her mouth empty and had a man’s penis inside of it. She was moaning very loudly and tears were streaming out of the corners of her eyes. A man whose penis she had in her mouth said “I’m coming”. She pushed him away just far enough for head of his penis to be slightly above her mouth, opened her mouth wide and let him cum into it for everyone to see. The man exploded with a huge amount of sperm and she made several big gulps not to spill any of it. And just at that moment suddenly you had a very strong and loud orgasm without any sexual activity performed on you at the moment. You were covered in sweat, breathing very shallow rapid breaths and completely immersed into and fascinated by what you saw. Needless to say I too was very excited and had a rigid erection. You pushed me down on the floor next to that foursome and straddled me with your back to me facing the action next to us. You were having very strong orgasms almost nonstop and you were exploding like geyser squirting enormous amounts of liquid. Then you switched and got on top of me facing me. You acted like I’ve never seen you act before. You were in complete state of trans absolutely oblivious to how loud you were screaming. Another foursome landed next to us on the other side and now we had two foursomes one on each side of us. You were turning your head to look at one and then the other, and what they were doing apparently was exciting you even more than sex we were having. Your body was shivering, you were sweating heavily and orgasms coming one after another. Then without saying a word you got off of me, got on your knees and took my penis into your mouth. Your ass was rubbing against a man’s leg from a foursome next to us but you didn’t seem to even notice it and were taking me as deep as you possibly could. Without turning this man put his hand on your clit and started gently rubbing it. Neither you nor I reacted to it in any way being completely consumed by each other. In the span of about twenty minutes all three men ejaculated into her mouth exactly the same way – for everyone to see. Because no one was wearing a condom apparently men were not allowed to cum inside of that woman but only into her mouth. As the last man cum into her mouth and continued rubbing your clit you had another huge orgasm and I exploded my cum into your mouth. You lay on top of me sharing my sperm with me pushing your tongue deep into my mouth and smiling. Woman from the foursome lay on her belly next to us, wiped off her tears of joy, gently took your hand in hers, and leaned to your ear. In a very raspy voice she said “Sweetheart, if you never tried the foursome you have to try it at least once. So that when you are old and sex is just a memory you’ll have something very unique to remember. It’s unlike anything you could ever imagine unless you experienced it firsthand. You are still beautiful, you have a great body, have a man who clearly loves you and you don’t know how it feels until you tried it. I wish I had my man here with me but he’s completely impotent and I don’t want him to be an observer only. These men are like a human sex toys. You’ll never see them again, they have no idea how you look without the mask and there is no emotional attachment of any kind. Keep you man in that foursome and you’ll have a heaven on Earth. I’m sure he could see I’m right and won’t mind giving you this gift of pleasure you never knew before.” Without letting your hand out of hers she climbed on top of man, put his penis inside her vagina, another man entered her ass and she started to suck on another man’s penis. To my surprise you didn’t pull your hand out and continued to watch yet another round starting to take place. The excitement of the action and the physical connection between you and that woman must transfer something purely animal into your being. You still lying on top of me put my once again very rigid penis inside of your vagina, looked me straight into the eyes and said “I want to try it”. It sounded more of a statement than question, but you wanted me to say it’s OK, I could see it in your eyes. There was one thing I was in complete agreement with what the woman said. Strange men and/or slaves never associated in my mind as anything other than human accessories. The thought of any man you would want to have sex because you knew him and were attracted to would kill me. That clearly was not the case and I agreed. There were two relatively young men standing not far waiting for their turn with that woman. They were in good shape, completely free of any body hair anywhere with nice size penises. And they clearly were eager to please you if you would only give them a chance, because both of them didn’t take their eyes off of you since we came in. You waved them over and in very stern tone told them “You are not going to cum inside of me under any circumstance, only in my mouth. Is that understood?” They nodded in agreement. Since we didn’t have any anal sex up until then, you told one of them to lay on his back, got on top of him face down and put his penis inside of you vagina. You told me to get inside of your popka. And as I started to gently move in you took another guy’s penis into your mouth down to his balls. The look on his face said it all. Obviously he had never experienced anything like it before and was in complete awe at your skills. Sweat started to pour down your body, your moans were just as loud as screams, your body was shaking and you started to have one orgasm after another. You reached out and locked your hands with that woman next to us. It felt as if electricity was running between all of our bodies combined. The guy whose penis you had in your mouth started to moan and said “I’m just about to cum”. Instead of pushing him away you kept him in your mouth and swallowed what seemed like a huge amount of sperm. You kept him in and swallowed hard three times sucking for at least another minute, then pushed him away and said “Get it hard and fuck my ass right now”. He was still erect, we changed places and he started giving you anal. The guy under you said he was almost ready. You pushed the guy behind you away, got up from the guy under you and sucked him until he too had your mouth full of cum. You didn’t spill anything both times, swallowed everything and smiled. You said my sperm taste best but in the spur of the moment their sperm tasted good enough too. All of this took no more than ten minutes and you were clearly frustrated by shortness of this activity. And so you waived another couple of guys and we continue for what seemed like hours just changing partners once they were done. The woman stayed next to us the whole time. At some point you too started to have tears of joy running down your face and you kept on smiling. Every time you had your mouth free you told me that you love me more than anything or anyone in the world. And all this time I was hard as wood and excited way beyond anything I could recall in my recent memory. I too was happy to give you this gift and to allow you to have experience which clearly blew your mind like nothing you’ve ever known in your life. Through all this I managed to cum three times – unbelievable. At some point you said you would be OK with sharing me with another woman in the spirit of the moment and what was going on. But I said it doesn’t make any sense unless you could have sexual contact with that woman and that woman would be for both of us. You said you would be OK with it only if that was the woman next to us.