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Adventures In Isolation – Slowing Down

10:26 am Wednesday, 22nd April, 2020

So, I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but there’s currently a situation out there that’s forcing most of us to stay at home. Whether you’re simply saving time on the commute or are now unable to work, you’re probably finding yourself with a lot more free time on your hands.

Early on in this whole thing, I made the conscious decision to find some positives in this whole situation and latch onto them. None of us have any control over what’s happening, aside from doing our bit and staying at home, so we might as well make the best of it. Yes, it’s a hideous situation, but the bottom line is, we have very little else to do but ride it out at this point.

So, one of the things I decided to do is use some of the extra time to finally get round to some things I normally don’t have time to do, such as actually taking the time to do more reading, to sort out a suitable workspace at home, to have a little reorganise and a spring clean. In fact, I’ve been keeping myself so busy, I’ve not even had a chance yet to have a Netflix binge or anything like that. But the strange thing is, I’m actually starting to enjoy this new pace of life. Yes, I’m fully aware that this great pause is at the cost of something terrible going on in the world, but I can’t be the only one hoping that when all this is over, which I sincerely hope is very soon, that we get to keep some of the positive things that have come out of all this.

I’m still managing to keep myself busy and boredom has not set in yet, but I think what I’m loving about this new situation is that I’m busy, but on my own terms. Yes, obviously I have some deadlines to meet and certain obligations like anyone else, but it’s mostly being busy on my own terms. The chance to catch my breath has been a godsend and it’s going to be quite a wrench to go back to normal. This is why I think we need to redefine ‘normal’. The fact is, the fast paced, high-stress old ‘normal’ wasn’t really helping anyone and it’s now pretty much proven that high-stress doesn’t always equal high productivity. Let’s hang on slower. It’s a lot more bearable.

Being busy on my own terms means a lot less stress. If I wake up and decide I’m not feeling that productive, I can treat myself to a little lie in, then have a coffee and do my essentials (like the things I absolutely have to do) and then decide if I’m feeling any more productive. If not, I’ll move onto something else, If I do, I’ll break out the work, but I know that if I don’t do it immediately, it still has to be done. I’m easily distracted, so moving onto something else isn’t that hard for me. However, one thing I have started doing is if I’m around the house, which of course I am at the moment, I’ll keep a notepad, my tablet or some sort of recording device on me, or at least nearby, at all times. That way, if I get a sudden jolt of creative inspiration or suddenly decide I want to press on with my work, I can just get on with it while the moment’s there and not lose my train of thought. One of the things I am finding is that this new relaxed way is actually making me more productive. Now that I’m not stressing about getting work done, I’m actually getting work done!

I think it’s probably a matter of balance. I am missing seeing people and being social, and god knows I could do with a good shag (even though that particular barren plain was one I was trekking before the current crisis hit). I love people, I’m a very social creature, so this has been difficult. But at the same time, I’ve loved my own company. Even some of the other members of the household. When they’re not speaking, awake or making any form of noise. I can see me being social again when we’re allowed but probably spending a little more time isolating myself (in a healthy way) and making sure I take the time to slow down and take a pause. I’ll be back gigging and partying, of course, that part goes without saying, but I’ve certainly rediscovered the value of slowing down occasionally.

So, that’s what I’ve already learned during this. It’s ok to slow down. It’s ok to have an off day and not do much. It’s even better to let yourself make the most of this. If you’ve always wanted to write a bestseller, or learn a new language, or whatever, now’s your time, but if you just don’t want to, that’s fine too! The only person looking over your shoulder right now is yourself, so let it all hang out (not on a conference call with the office), chill out and breathe.

And while we do that and we breathe a sigh of gratitude for this little slower period, let’s do something louder than a sigh and acknowledge the people who don’t get to slow down during all this and are working tirelessly to keep the rest of us going. The health services, emergency services, food suppliers, retailers, everyone keeping us going, I salute you – And I encourage everyone to do the same.

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