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Smooth Talking 101: Silver-Tongued Seduction

10:51 am Tuesday, 3rd March, 2020

We all have that friend who despite not being what you would consider an Adonis is never lacking for sexual partners. When you’re having drinks at a bar with your mates, they’re off getting a blowjob in the restroom. Where you’re enjoying a house party, they’re having a threesome in an upstairs bedroom. Their bang bus is never running on empty.

The reason they’re getting all the action you wish you were, comes down to their ability to smooth talk their way into anyone’s pants – and have them think it was all their idea. Here are 6 tips on how to step your silver-tongued seduction game:

1. Smooth Talking, Requires Smooth Talking

To begin your journey of seduction you need to be able to start and maintain a conversation with ease. This means not stumbling over your words, making eye contact and even having a firm, but not aggressive, handshake. You can practice this in everyday life. When you’re paying for something at a local store, greet the cashier by name, ask how their day is and make a playful remark wishing them good luck for the rest of their shift. These same skills of eye contact, a smiling greeting, and coming up with something engaging to say is how you will get that gorgeous party guest from stranger to moaning your name later in the evening.

2. Listen, Learn, React

How does smooth-talking begin with listening? Simple, you are there to seduce them. You can only do that if you know what they need. Ask specific intimate questions about their lives, show interest in what’s on their minds – whether you mean it or not - but know that the more they reveal about themselves the closer you are to seeing them naked.

3. I Do The Sex All The Time

There is nothing more destructive to the art of smoothing talking than desperation. While sex is the outcome you need to focus on the person, you’re seducing first and foremost. For them to see you as someone they can be a little slut with, they need to believe that you do this all the time. Make sexual references, drop in some innuendo – once you understand their tolerance levels – and do it in an offhanded way. Being able to make a sexy comment or weave a sexual innuendo into a conversation with ease makes you appear confident and someone with a past worth exploring.

4. The Art Of Touch

Anyone you intend to seduce has to become comfortable with your touch. A small touch on the lower back as you move past, a punchline to a story that you highlight by briefly touching their hand, and of course the classic, brushing their hair out of their eyes. These are the moments which create a lingering physical sensation that your smooth-talking can build on as the evening progresses. It is important not to highlight the contact as “a move”. If you touch her lower back walking past, don’t look at her as you do it. Touching his hand as you laugh at a joke, look in his eyes, not at his hand. Make the contact seem spontaneous, not scripted.

5. Play Your Game Not Theirs

When it comes to smoothing talking your way into someone's pants it has to be on your terms. Don’t become obsessed with a single person, running around at their beck and call, this is how you get friend-zoned and Chad gets his dick wet instead of you. Have your target in mind but chat to other people, make them laugh, create a swell of engagement around yourself and then allow them into that space. Who doesn’t want to be the one catching the eye of, and ultimately hooking up with, the life of the party?

6. Have A Compelling Story – Even If It’s BS

Smooth talkers are on the hunt for belt notches, not relationships, so have fun with “your character”. We recently met a guy who picked up several women in an evening, we saw him in action it was astounding, and the thing is he was heavily scarred but rather than shy away from it he leaned into it. For some women the scars were from his time in the military fighting insurgents, other times he got it while doing aid work in India where he saved a child from a tiger attack. Who will you be next time you hit the local pub?

Be sure to leave us your top tips for talking your way into adventurous sex in crazy places in the comments below. And yes, “this is my Lamborghini” is cheating but dammit if you have it use it!

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