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Valentines Erotic Fiction Part 2: Sexual Awakenings

5:23 pm Friday, 8th February, 2019

Zack stared into his elongated hallway mirror, maintaining focus on his reflection as he tousled his hair, spreading the gel evenly throughout. He’d adorned his favourite pinstripe shirt and jeans.

He was awaiting being picked up by the charismatic Austin whom he’d the previous night flirtatiously conversed with and unbeknownst to him, had pleasured himself to. Or so he believed anyway, it had crossed his mind that once their eyes met, he would be able to in some inexplicable way be able to read his mind and be at his total mercy. Also despite the excited anticipation, he was feeling an improved positive mood, he still felt a pang of sadness with Trevor at the forefront of his mind.

“No, you need to get him out of your mind tonight” he scolded himself. This was the first time he’d left the apartment since the breakup two nights ago. He questioned whether he was ready to leave the homely confines of his flat but then reminded himself that he’d challenged himself to step out of his comfort zone, especially in time for Valentines.

Seven on the dot, there he was sat outside in his silver Toyota Celica, getting out as Zack closed the front door to his apartment block behind him. Walking toward the passenger door of the car where he now stood, he realised that he looked even hotter in the flesh. His crisp, white shirt was partially tucked into his jeans and hands in his pockets. His hair was moderately gelled, and he adorned that now growingly familiar smile upon a clean-shaven face.

“Nice to meet you, it feels at long last even though it’s only been since last night,” he said embracing and kissing him lingeringly on the cheek.

“Really nice to meet you as well” Zack, replied eyes glistened as he beamed back with an air of excitement yet also a pinch of anxiety that he couldn’t quite shake added into the mix. They maintained eye contact for an extended period, the lust seemingly building and the urge to tear one another’s clothing off right there on the lawn in front of the apartment block. They were both thinking the same thing as they gazed upon one another’s lips, both pursed and ready to caress the other. Their breathing both heavy and hot against the other’s skin.

“Shall, we head off then?” Austin asked under his breath. Zack had been pressing up against him without barely realising causing him to grow increasingly hard.

“Sure” he answered biting his lip with a discreet smile. Austin held the door open as he climbed into the passenger seat. His chivalry made him even hornier.

They drove approximately a couple of miles into the nearest town, all the while Zack had noticed the bulge in Austin’s jeans which would intermittently grow when he spoke. He felt the familiar sensation in his groin; it was turning him on so badly that he was causing this level of arousal for him simply by sitting next to him.

They arrived at their destination, Bar Rouge, a rather upmarket establishment, well known in those parts for its specialised cocktails and grand settings. Being the first time he’d ever visited this place, Zack would’ve usually paid more attention to the ornate furnishings and high Victorian period ceilings of this exquisitely decorated building, but currently, his mind wouldn’t venture far from Austin’s cock and if it was still hard for him.

They stood aside one another at the dark wood bar which reflected the numerous lamps and miniature chandeliers suspended above on its polished surface. The bar travelled around the grand room in an almost circular fashion meaning that they were at the side almost in their own little corner of the place with no other patrons in sight, perhaps hidden enough that they may not be seen?

This area of the bar sported five seated booths each centred around a spherical marble table. On the opposite end of the place, the restaurant bustled with numerous waiters attending to their guests and the chatter of varying voices creating a buzz. They were so preoccupied they barely noticed them until Austin hailed one of them over.

“I do apologise for your wait” the hurried waiter wearing a name badge that displayed “Neil” exclaimed as he shifted behind the bar, gently dabbing at the beads of sweat across his forehead with a handkerchief, his relatively short, dark hair clinging to his skin. “What can I get you both?”

“I’ve heard great things about your cocktails. I’d love a pornstar Martini?” Zack asked while side-eyeing Austin.

Austin understood full well and smirked, quickly turning his attention back to Neil to give his own request.

“Please understand that we have a full restaurant tonight but no bar staff, so the restaurant staff will do their best to see to your drinks orders but you may need to come over to the restaurant in order to get one of their attention” Neil stated whilst swiftly making their drinks with expert precision.

“Oh my, a bar all to ourselves” Austin smirked at Zack. He literally could barely stand up straight for how turned on he was right now. He knew exactly what he was getting at, and it made him simultaneously anxious yet ready to let him fuck him right that second.

They sat down tentatively at a booth table as Neil scuttled back to the restaurant.

“I think we’re fairly private here” Austin whispered while cocking an eyebrow. He was right, but there was a door with a port window across the way close to the entrance of the restaurant which looked as though it might lead through to a kitchen or some form of back room. Zack peered through attempting to spy any possible movement.

“It’s ok, come here” Austin gently pulled him closer and began caressing his lips with his own, the anxiety dissolving away as he let the passion take hold. His left palm travelled from its position at his face to the back of his neck, the sensation against his bare skin heightened by the sheer arousal he felt as it gradually moved down his shirt, awakening the nipple hidden within. Zack’s own hands explored the fit body underneath the now partially unbuttoned shirt, untucking it from his jeans and undoing the last remaining buttons that were hindering wandering hands’ ability to feel his torso freely.

He lightly squeezed his biceps, recalling his fantasy of the night prior and those arms that had carried him to the peak of orgasm, they felt just as strong and able as they had done in his imagination. He was using his left hand to massage a pectoral which felt amazing beneath his fingers, the right behind the small of his back pulling him in closer as they maintained their oral fixation on one another’ mouths.

Austin turned Zack over with a degree of desperation, quickly reaching down to his jeans zipper was undone and member free from underwear. Austin thrust himself toward Zack, pushing him to the point of lying facedown on the burgundy leather upholstery of the booth. There was a frantic collaboration between the two of them to pull Zack’s jeans and concealed underwear down. Austin’s right hand now moved around Zack to his erect penis, the ends of his middle and index digits stroking his helmet with such a gentle manner considering how fast and enthusiastic the rest of their bodies were currently moving.

He penetrated him with such tremendous strength that Zack gasped in shock. He was so acutely aware of the flexion of Austin’s glute muscles as he reached behind to feel when he could, the palms of his hands pressed into his flesh as he moved back and forth into him. His eyes were closed as he revelled in the sweet pleasure of the moment, but he wondered whether anyone had seen them. Perhaps they’d completely get away with it, then again, maybe someone was watching and also getting off on it...the thought heightened his arousal to a pinnacle he’d never thought was possible.

The full sensation of his member inside him was bringing him to a climax. It was building, building. He had to bite the leather seat in order to stop himself from screaming at a volume that would be audible for the entire room as the euphoria filled every available square inch of his body.

His achieving orgasm seemed to magnify Austin’s pleasure also as he came not twenty seconds after inside him. As they relaxed, they smiled at one another, then him attempting to discreetly zip up his flies and sitting upright, gently pulling him back up also after he’d swiftly buttoned up his shirt. They casually surveyed the room close by to identify any possible audience. No sign of anyone still, the restaurant staff still hurriedly attending to tables apparently oblivious. That was until Zack pointed his eyes to the direction of the door with porthole. A face in the glass looking directly back at him which seemed to suddenly bolt to the side upon their gaze meeting. From what he could tell, beneath the face was a shirt not dissimilar to those of the other waiting staff. He chuckled.

“Looks like we did have an audience after all” pointing Austin toward the porthole window in the off-chance that the probable establishment staff member would pop his head back for the curiosity of would there be any more for him to voyeur.

“That was amazing” Zack laughed as they finished the dregs of their drinks. “I literally have never experienced such a rush in my life!”

“I totally agree. Tell you what, when you say that you want to say yes more, are you open-minded?”

“Yeah sure.”

“Great, are you doing anything tomorrow night?” he smiled a sparkle in his eye.

“I’m up for doing something...what do you have in mind?”

He didn’t answer but instead brought his phone out from his pocket and began typing. Then he sat back.

“Should we get another round?” he enquired looking around the room for service, still dismissing his question.

“Sure”. He retorted in a manner which was meant to communicate ‘you haven’t answered my original question’. They managed to attract the attention of a waiter and ordered their second round of drinks, Austin seemingly waiting upon something as he occasionally glanced at his phone between conversation. Eventually, his phone gave a notification tone.

His expression lit up, much like the phone’s screen as he looked at it and turned to Zack who was still mystified.

“Ok, pick you up at 7 again tomorrow night?” he grinned.

“Yeah ok, but what should I wear? Should I bring anything?”

“Just wear something sexy” he winked.

They finished what was left of their drinks and walked to the entrance. The cool breeze of the February nighttime air hit them as they stepped outside and walked the small distance to the car. They pulled up outside Zack’s apartment block a short car journey later, and both sat there for a minute with the engine no longer running.

“I really enjoyed tonight, thanks so much. I’d had such a horrific few days before you came along and here I am doing something I never thought I’d ever do. Let alone meeting up with a guy on a hookup site, but what we just did in that bar” he giggled.

“Thanks to you also, I really had a lot of fun tonight. There’s more where that came from for tomorrow as well” he said kissing him on the cheek goodnight.

Zack waved goodbye for the night and entered the flat. Chucking his keys on the table, there was still the heartbreak-catalysed slovenly mess from the previous night. He tidied around and thought to check his phone. There were a few missed calls, a few from friends, two of which from Carl who’d been particularly worried about him. A few from workmates and then three from...Trevor.

“What does he want?” Zack muttered, but he couldn’t deny the urge to return the call. Then he remembered why he’d gone out for a hookup in the first place. Trevor wasn’t worth it. He deleted his calls and subsequently number from his phone and messaged his friends that he’d been out on a date in order to reassure them that he was in fact absolutely fine.

“Onwards with the ‘yes’ crusade,” he thought to himself as he clambered into bed and re-lived the excitement from that night, acknowledging that he couldn’t remember the last time he felt that alive.

“I wonder what is in store for me tomorrow…”

Did you miss what happened last time in part 1? Find out by clicking here!

Want to find out what happens next? Find out here with part 3!

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