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Valentines Erotic Fiction Part 1: From Sorrow to Seduction - A Prelude to a Promiscuous Tale

2:52 pm Friday, 8th February, 2019

Zack for the umpteenth time dug the tip of the spoon he was gripping into the surface of the ice cream tub held within his merciless clutch. The cardboard carcasses of two other tubs littered at his feet where he slumped on the couch, previous victims to his insatiable need to consume their contents until there wasn’t a drop of life left. A massacre of the frozen confectionary kind.

“The two men in my life that don’t run off and leave me to rot” he muttered bitterly as he scowled at the logo adorning ‘Ben & Jerry’ on the side of the container. After two and a half tubs, his stomach was beginning to hurt but it could never feel the pain that his heart was currently enduring. So he soldiered on, spoon to ice cream, spoon to mouth, and repeat in this fashion until the bottomless chasm that had fragmented his soul would be filled again in a vain attempt at smoothing over his torment, a sugar-filled painkiller that never truly serves its purpose.

His phone was lit up like a broadway sign only to intermittently go dark once again. His friends had been calling him endlessly in a bid to get through to him, clearly the minimal effort text of ‘I’m fine c u soon xx’ he’d sent earlier that night had not been enough to stave them off. They were still worried, and rightly so. Just the evening before, his partner of three years had just upped and gone, only a week before Valentines - the time of the year when everyone is so loved up - how on Earth was he going to be alone for that?? What had he done so wrong?

His reasons for leaving were rather dubious according to Zack’s friends who had insinuated that he’d been shagging another man, although being slightly more tender in their wording given his fragile state.

“Trevor would never do that to me though!” Zack had exclaimed, only to receive unconvinced yet sympathy-laced glances back from the group as they wiped the tears from his face and stroked his short, chestnut brown hair. That was last night, directly following the ordeal. Tonight he was going it alone, he needed some headspace. Yesterday the denial had cocooned him, akin to a layer of bubble wrap cushioning the sensitive goods inside of packaging. Twenty four hours of sleepless, incessant mental torture and much reminiscing on instances which contradicted his denial had been enough for him to begin to come to the hellish realisation...his friends were probably right.

Whilst tonight being completely contrary to his thoughts last night and knowing his concerned pals were speaking the truth, he still didn’t want to have to talk about any of it and was avoiding them for the time being.

The dissolution of his denial was beginning to alter his thoughts of sentiment to those of spite.

“Fucking dick, fucking around and shoving your cock into anything with a pulse” he barked. The decibels of his voice lifting as he slammed down the meagre leftovers of his third gelato-based fatality onto the coffee table in front of him, then manoeuvring his laptop onto his lap.

“If you’re going to fuck around, I’m going to fuck around!” he exclaimed angrily whilst wearing an extremely furrowed brow above his hazel eyes that burnt with the fury of an unquenchable wildfire, all the while slamming the laptop keys with force as he typed.

He’d found a site, a hookup site where people could find one another for NSA sex. Now Zack would never usually step outside of his trifle-sized comfort zone and using a site like this was far beyond the horizon of what he would call his line of ease. However, right now he was catalysed by a rage-fueled cocktail of anger and jealousy. He wanted to teach Trevor a lesson. A lesson that would teach him that he could play his game and play it better than him.

He created his profile and surveyed the site, searching through the men close by him. Messaging a few that tickled his fancy, he then placed down the still open laptop onto the coffee table with more control and a reduced level of aggression than the half hour preceding. Merely by browsing the site and messaging some hot guys, he already felt like he was achieving a portion of delicious revenge.

Zack ventured out to the kitchen stepping over the mess of empty food packets, manually shredded photographs and duvet covers strewn at random which now outnumbered clear floor space to an approximate two-fold ratio. He removed a bottle of Chardonnay from the fridge and with his free hand picked out an oversized wine glass from the cupboard - a smirk on his face all the while.

Parking his rear back onto the indent left behind from hours of sitting in the same slouched position, he now perched with more conviction. He held himself with a straighter spine and far improved poise, pouring himself a larger than average glass of the chilled wine.

“Cheers, to new beginnings and a new me” he stated, raising the glass slightly above his head. “Oh and to saying yes more, I need to be more of a ‘yes person’ and being ok with being single on Valentines. Also, cheers to getting rid of lying cheating bastards who don’t deserve a good man and playing that prick at his own bleeding game”. Following his heartening, yet rather resentful speech to his audience of self, he sank approximately a third of the glass, polishing it off within its entirety after a few minutes and then pouring another.

He subsequently began to feel the lull of sleep beckoning him with an alluring finger, succumbing after an excess of a day’s lack. It came with the simplicity of closing his eyes and twenty seconds of peaceful bliss.

He awoke disorientated, what time was it? Due to the orange hue of the living room light above him, he had no idea whether it was night or day. He dragged his finger across the trackpad of his laptop which was now in its own technological slumber, the screen made his eyes squint slightly as it once again radiated it’s white glow.

3:50 AM, wow he’d been out for 7 hours, he didn’t even want to look at the amount of missed calls and texts his phone may have amassed in that time. He had a thought - ‘I wonder if I’ve had any responses on the site in the meantime?’

Hastily, he hunkered down with the laptop placed atop his legs which were now horizontal across the couch and waited with anticipation for his inbox to load.

Three of the guys had replied! With a degree of elation, he began to open them up. Hmmn, first fella had sent a pic of his cock with nothing else other than a caption stating:

“Hey baby, so you want an inch or twelve of this?”

“Wow, that’s forward” Zack chuckled. “I know I’ve stated that I’m looking for NSA sex but let’s at first get some introductions out of the way!”

The second message was rather promising, he mentioned that he could call him Rodge and that he lived a few miles away, attaching some photos to his message. None of them being phallic this time, mostly shots he’d taken in the mirror with his phone although not the best quality. From what he could tell he was rather attractive but onto candidate three for now.

Number three was hot! He liked what he saw! He’d attached two pictures of clear quality, one with his top off displaying his body, the other, he appeared to be out and wearing a pinstripe shirt and a mischievous smile that almost gave away the horny thoughts that hid behind his eyes. He’d written a small paragraph to him:

“Hey zack475,

Thanks for messaging me, I’m glad that you like the sound of me from my profile. I like what I see from your pictures and from what I’ve read on your profile description, especially that picture at the side of the pool, that picture alone has got me rather horny. I’m sorry, I’m normally a gentleman but I imagine that you’d give me some rather animalistic urges if we got together.

If you fancy let’s have a video call and we can get to know each other a little better…


Zack felt the butterflies in his stomach and movement between his legs - he was so unbelievably fit and the feeling was reciprocal. His right hand rather involuntarily drifted down to his private areas which were within reach underneath the long t-shirt he had fashioned as pyjamas. The tips of his fingers caressed his now extremely sensitive areas which were begging for his attention as he surveyed nsathrobbing’s profile. There was ten pictures uploaded, one of which was set as private. Each picture was all the more sexy than the last, each subsequent image tapping into his sensual urges more-so than the last. That private image obscured from his view inspired the most sensual thoughts within his imagination’s eye, almost so that he couldn’t take it. He was in such a hypnotic state of eroticism that he was barely conscious of his hand being wrapped around his cock.

Whilst he wasn’t the definition of an adonis, Zack could tell from his modestly-sized yet well defined muscles that he would have the strength to hold him up against a wall as he entered him, them simultaneously embracing in a level of skin-to-skin contact so close and so heavy that the sweat ran out from the crevices acting as a lubricant between the two of them as they gyrated up and down against one another. This thought, so vivid and tantalising in his imagination’s eye carried him to the mountainous point of ecstasy, his breathing harder and harder as he ascended, pressing his body against the back of the sofa and reclining his head back, eyes closed as he let out a small scream that shattered the silence amid the room.

He lay in that position, savouring the moment, taking in the pure pleasure he’d convinced himself that he’d never feel again. As he remained there, he made a decision. Leaping back into an upright position, he hit the reply button to nsathrobbing’s message, a green circle now adorning his profile picture to indicate that he was online.

Within the text box he included his skype address and bit his lip as he waited with baited breath.

“I’d better make myself presentable” he effectively yelled as he bolted from his perch, tripping over items scattered across the beige carpet as he went. He passed some gel through his hair, looking in the mirror as he messed it into a fashion he deemed attractive. He threw on a nice top, jeans and a splashed some cold water across his face to hide the fact that he’d not so long been weeping his way through an entire box of Kleenex whilst eating his weight in junk food. Arriving back at his laptop it seems just in time, his Skype had started ringing…

He was shaking slightly as his hand grazed the mousepad buttons and hovered over the answer option. He inhaled a deep breath and clicked.

A window popped up, the object of his very recent fantasy the center of the screen. He wore a mid-blue T-shirt which capped at those capable arms which had supported him, holding him upright as he was inside him, his hair resembling a shade that could be described as mahogany and eyes that despite the mediocre quality image offered by the video call, he could tell glimmered with the blue of the deepest sapphire. He gulped.

“Hi” nsathrobbing smiled warmly with that charming yet knowingly mischievous smile, initiating the conversation.

“Hey” Zack retorted rather bashfully. “How are you?”

“All the better for seeing you on the other end of a video chat” he continued to smile. “Thanks for messaging me back, I see you only joined a few hours ago, have you ever done anything like this before?”

“No” Zack exclaimed, the question relieving him somewhat. “This is the first time I’ve ever done this - I’m a bit nervous”.

“Oh well don’t worry, I don’t bite...” his smile travelled up his face even further, the cheekiness really coming out in his expression, so much so that Zack giggled. “What should I call you? By your username?”

“Well my real name is Zack so feel free to call me that, and you are no strings attached throbbing twenty five then?” he raised an eyebrow and a smirk.

“You can call me Austin” he grinned.

“Oh like Mr. Powers?” Zack chuckled.

“Yeah baby” Austin laughed putting on the voice.

They chatted for a good hour, covering common ground such as hobbies, where they’d travelled and touched on fantasies with a lingering undertone of mutual want. Zack explained with diplomacy his situation that he was on a mission to become a ‘yes person’ and live more spontaneously, not disclosing about his recently lapsed relationship.

“Tell you what Zack, let me take you for a drink tomorrow night. Let this be the first of many more yes’ for you.”

Zack breathed in, preparing to speak but it seemed as though the excitement driven adrenaline had bonded with the oxygen, depriving him of the ability to speak momentarily.

“Yes” he was finally able to utter amidst his exhilaration.

Want to know what happens next? Find out in part 2 by clicking here!

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