9:24 am Tuesday, 8th January, 2019
The lifestyle is many different things to many different people. What they share is a fascination with the erotic experience and the pursuit of sexual enjoyment. There are three major categories of swingers: couples, single females and single males. Couples are the foundation of the lifestyle. Single females are comparatively rare and therefore find making connections far easier.
Not surprisingly, single males are plentiful. A constant new supply of horny men assures that it will stay that way. But what does it take for a single man on a site like this to be successful when it comes to approaching couples? People in the lifestyle meet many different ways. The most popular venues are through swinger clubs, private parties and websites. For the aspiring single male, clubs and websites are the main vehicles -- as it's pretty hard for a newcomer to get invited to a private party.
So we thought we would try to give you single guys a hand when it comes to connecting with couples.
Gentlemen's Guide to Successful Swinging.
Make A Great Impression
On the site, the same members visit again and again and get to know each other quite well. If you insult or offend one couple, the word will quickly spread to others. Alternatively, if you are pleasant and the couple enjoys your company - sexual or otherwise - they will be eager to introduce you to their friends. Of course, swingers like to introduce people with unique sexual qualities to their friends. But don't walk around saying you've got a 12-inch penis, even if you do. If you really do, everyone already knows it.
What Do You Want?
Get to know the lifestyle, the expectations and the realities. Keep in mind that most people you meet are on the site for the same reasons you are. Most swingers aren't out there cheating on their spouse. They're open about what they do, and about what they like to do. Don't think you are going to fall in love, or that you're going to sweep a lady off her feet and away from her husband. Come to have a good time and make some new friends. To be successful in the long run, you need to be the nice guy that's been seen with other couples, not the weird guy that's running from chat room to chat room trying to score. Just about all couples have a set of rules by which they play, and they vary little from those rules. Don't try to change them. You'll fail.
Gent-ly Does It
Be a gentleman and as upfront, as you can. Just because a woman likes sex doesn't mean she likes vulgar language or innuendoes. Good manners and social skills are more important in this lifestyle than just about anywhere else. Leave the pickup lines at home. Ladies in the lifestyle are adults and are not into head-games. They have already heard every line in the book. Again, in the case of couples, introduce yourself to both husband and wife.
Play it Cool
Just because you talk with someone doesn’t mean that they want to have sex with you. Don't get too aggressive unless you get the clear message that it's OK. When (and if) you get that message, go with it, just don't go overboard. You can even ask again "Is this okay?"
Nice Try
Never be desperate enough to insult a member's intelligence with the statement, "My wife wanted me to come here first by myself to check it out, so I'll come back with her next time. How about you and I play now." Every swinger has heard that line over and over again, and you will get a reputation.
Super Important
If someone says NO, that's all there is to it. Don't ask them, "Why not?" or "Are you sure - I'm the greatest lover in the world?" Actually, this is the GOLDEN RULE..... The most important rule of the lifestyle is NO MEANS NO.
Swingle King
The successful single male in the swinging lifestyle is non-threatening to the female spouse's virility. He's happy to be sharing in the encounter, and he doesn't try to monopolise it. He is also a friend of BOTH spouses and treats both with respect. If you follow these guidelines, you should have a great time and make lots of new, very sexy friends.
So guys, what do you think? Any other tips to being a successful 'swingle'? Share with us in the comments.