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Looking Through The LadyGarden: Sexy Styles For Fashioning Your Foof

11:07 am Tuesday, 27th November, 2018

When it comes to your pubic hair, gone are the days of the traditional bikini line wax or even the full Brazilian. The trend now is ‘anything goes.’

To go bare, bushy, or something in between has been a personal decision women have weighed since the 70s when people first started caring about that sort of thing. Over the decades, there was the 1970s disco bush, then very tailored in the ‘80s and ‘90s, which then escalated into the Brazilian of the ‘00s. Now, there’s much more acceptance for whatever style you want. So embrace your lady garden with some of the most popular pubic hairstyles to give your vagina a little vajazzle.

The Martini Glass

The Martini Glass is a Bermuda Triangle combined with a Landing Strip. It’s straightforward to shape and is just the thing to spice things up for a special night. Simply shave, trim or wax the top and sides all the way down. You should naturally have a triangle shape, but now make it way-way smaller as you shave the bottom into a thin line, ending just before your clitoris. Adjust and reshape the top to make it look like a martini glass. This combo of two favourite styles is sure to turn heads and make your lover very thirsty.

The Bermuda Triangle

This look is a common go-to for many women. Not only is it easy to shape and maintain, but it’s a typical style at waxing salons, making it easy to get anywhere you go. To get your own Bermuda Triangle, remove the hair on the top and sides, and emphasise the natural triangular curve of your mons pubis. Trim it as far down as you would like, leaving enough hair to make up your triangle. You can be sure your partner will get lost down there for days!

The Five O’Clock Shadow

The Five O’Clock Shadow is pretty much what it sounds like: stubble from the last time you shaved or trimmed. However, this style turns heads with its simplicity and non-itchiness; it’s easiest just to trim it down to avoid the itchiness of growing hair. It turns out; the Five O’Clock Shadow is just as sexy on a lady’s vajay as it is on a man’s face!

The Landing Strip

The Landing Strip, made popular by Playboy models who wore a lot of itty-bitty undies, is a strip down the centre of your pubic hair. It’s sort of like a trail leading your partner down where you want them to be - like a lady’s happy trail. This look is rocked by many pornstars and is favoured by many women, so don’t worry about your partner loving this one: they will.

The Brazilian

The Brazilian means you go all bare, all over. From the belly button to the tip-top of that butt crack, there is not going to be a single hair in sight. This style is by far the most popular, with most women rocking this smooth look. However, there is much pressure for women to be hairless which causes many women to shave even if they don’t want to; it can be easy to forget that your pubic hair should look how you want it to look, not how your sexual partner demands (unless, of course, you’re into that).

The Bush

For many women, they love their Bush and don’t want to go through the hassle of styling, so let their locks go au-naturale. More power to you! The hair around your vagina is there for a reason, so leaving it where it is is likely the best idea when it comes to your health. Plus, you won’t have to deal with ingrown hairs, razor burn, or itchy regrowing hair. Who has time to shave, anyway? Embrace the jungle; there’s just so much more to explore!

The Postage Stamp

The Postage Stamp is a small, groomed square just above your clitoris - it’s the shape and size of a postage stamp, hence its name. This is a great way of keeping a tiny bit of hair, so you aren’t entirely bare, but also not having the hassle of working out a cool way to care for your pubic hair. To sculpt your own, merely remove the majority of the top and the sides and a tiny bit from the bottom, and you’re good to go!

The Arrow

Now this one is fun! While it tells your lover exactly where they are meant to be going without the need for verbal cues (though, you know, things like consent are important to get first!), it’s unusual and always a surprise. It’s also easy to convert into a Postage Stamp or Landing Strip if you tire of it but don’t want to shave everything off.

No matter what you do down there, just remember to love your cute cooch! So when it comes to shapes, don’t limit yourself. From lighting bolts to diamonds, Women are rocking all kinds of cool shapes down there, and you can too!

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