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Guide to Getting Your Profile Photos Right

4:33 pm Wednesday, 13th December, 2017

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to get your profile photos right. Your profile is an advert of you. Imagine a world of advertising without pictures?

As you can envisage this would be un-thinkable. Pictures are a powerful tool used to sell products and this also transfers to you in hooking up online. It’s a well known fact that a profile with a picture is 10 times more likely to be viewed than one with no photo, so here we have a quick guide to help you improve your pics.

How to Improve Your Profile Photos

  • Always include a head and body shot and be really open about your pictures. At the end of the day, you’re going to have to meet the person that you’re hooking up with, so what you look like really needs to be out there. If they don’t like you for you, then at least you’re weeding out the time wasters first off.

  • Lay off the photoshop and never worrying about small little insecurities that your playmate probably won’t even notice. You don’t need perfect pictures, just several great ones that are a true representation of you.

  • Smile. Smiling is a warm and inviting gesture so make sure you have on your best grin.
    If you’re worried about coming off bigger in pictures, then don’t wear loud colors or clothing with patterns on it. Besides, this type of clothing detracts from your face and overall can make you look larger than you are.

  • It’s always worth making an effort but you don’t need to be dressed up to the nines in your profile pics. Instead, try to go for a look that you know that you can improve on in person. If they like you when you’re not at your best in your photo, then you know that they are going to love you when you're at your best in person. As for the rest - they can keep walking!

  • Poor quality pics are a no no. You leave too much up to the imagination and leave people wondering why they can’t see your face properly.

  • Never put pictures up with your friends in them. Imagine if the other person confused you with your mate: awkward.

Hopefully we have helped you somewhat and spurred you on to improve and upload your pictures. Like we said at the top of the article, your profile is 10 times more likely to be clicked on if it has a picture up, but we’re sure that the statistic really means that you actually have to have a good picture up first.

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