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6 Frisky Foods To Make Your Sweet Spot Taste Delicious

3:50 pm Wednesday, 18th October, 2017

Receiving oral sex is great, in fact, it’s more than great, it’s amazing. But there is one thing that can take the fun right out of getting your nibbler nibbled and that is stressing about how you taste down there.

Cum, like other bodily fluids, is representative of general health. You can see the effects of what the body takes in by looking at what it releases. But can what you eat and drink really affect the taste of your lady juices?

Take a look into the ways to make your snatch more snackable. They do say you are what you what you eat! ;-)


We’ve all heard the rumor that pineapples make your vag smell and taste yummy, but is it true? While there is no scientific evidence that pineapples make your vagina taste great, it's certainly possible and a lot of people vouch for it. Pineapples are sweet and smell good, and the food you eat definitely affects your down there situation. We would never advise rubbing yourself with pineapple (obviously), but there's no harm in eating it and then seeing what happens!

Green Veggies

Green veggies generally contribute to keeping your flower smelling and tasting mild and "normal." Except for asparagus and broccoli. AVOID ASPARAGUS AND BROCCOLI!! Asparagus and broccoli make your pee smell, and it is likely to make your vagina smell and taste a little off as well. But you're probably safe with most other leafy greens and stuff like that. In general, a vegan/vegetarian diet makes someone's cum taste better than someone who eats a lot of meat. Another point for the vegans to add to their bragging list.


Fruit and berries, in general, are known to be good for your vagina when it comes to smell and taste. Especially cranberries, known to cleanse your body, flushing out the bad stuff. That's why they're known to help with UTIs. But like with pineapple, there is no hard evidence of this (can you imagine a study like that?).


In general, dairy isn't great when your goal is to make your vagina taste better. Dairy can actually make it worse (sorry cheese lovers). Yogurt, on the other hand, might just help. Yogurt is full of good bacteria that your vagina needs to function happily so it can be healthy. It helps prevent infections and keeps your pH system balanced, which in turn keeps your foo-foo in good shape.


Again there is no scientific evidence saying peppermint makes you taste good down there, but some people swear by it. I even read someone advising women to rub peppermint leaves on their muffs. I would advise against this, but if a burning sensation down there does things for you, it could be your new thing. For those not into having the gates of hell between their legs, try drinking some peppermint tea and then see if you notice a difference.


Honey is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and also incredibly sweet. (Although excess sugar can make things smell bad down there, so I'm a little torn.) The health benefits are endless but does that mean you should spread the sticky substance all over your honey pot…..probably not. Although, if you're due a wax anytime soon, maybe we have just found a solution.

But honestly, at the end of the day, your vay-jay-jay doesn’t need to smell like a lovely field of roses. It’s a body part where a lot of stuff happens, and no one expects it to taste like liquid gold (and if they do, they shouldn’t be down there). Have fun and don’t get too caught up in it, okay?

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