3:19 pm Monday, 31st July, 2017
An orgasm is a transient peak sensation of intense sexual pleasure and varies from person to person. They can be whole body orgasms, extended orgasms, those which happen only with intercourse, clitoral stimulation or even just kissing – and everyone describes them differently.
It’s the 31st of July and National Orgasm Day today, and though it might seem like a simple PR stunt from a sex toy company (and a perfect opportunity for willy puns), a lot of anxiety and stress can arise from the issue. We can place so much importance on trying to achieve orgasm at the same time as a partner, or how good the orgasm will be, that we often forget about enjoying the sensations of touch and sexual pleasure throughout the whole bonking experience. After all, no one goes to a concert to hear the last few notes!
We hope you will do your bit everyone! But in the meantime, here are some orgasmic facts:
Some Serious Friction
The world record for the longest time spent masturbating to orgs is 6 hours and 30 minutes for a woman, and 8 hours and 30 minutes of a man. Might have been quicker if they had worked on each other instead!
Secret Semen
MI6 used ejaculate as invisible ink during WW1. It was used for a time because it was not easily detected and was always to hand.
Special Blend
The ‘blended’ orgasm is where several body parts are stimulated together (eg, vagina and clitoris or penis and perineum) to create a stronger, even more mind-blowing experience!
Blasting Off
Astronauts have admitted to masturbating in space (via the term self-pollution).
Repeat Performance
For most guys, the typical refractory period—the time between your last orgasm and when you'll be able to get it up again—is anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. But one recent case study described a 25-year-old German man blessed with the power to continue to have sex within about 3 minutes after his climax.
Speedy Semen
The average speed of your ejaculation is 28 miles per hour, which is almost exactly Usain Bolt's world-record maximum running pace of 27.79 mph. Of course, your semen won’t cross 100 meters—the world record for ejaculation distance is supposedly 18 feet, 9 inches.
Horizontal Jogging
Sadly, an orgasm burns just three calories, although 30 minutes of vigorous sex can burn about 63.
Don’t Get Stuck That Way
Bits of the brain that are activated by pain are also activated during orgasm. Hence that very special face you pull…
Cum on
The male orgasm doesn’t always coincide with ejaculation – a fact which may not be news to some men but may surprise the ladies.
Variety is the Spice of Life
Orgasms can vary, even in the same person. That’s because the genitals are connected to several different pairs of nerves, and by stimulating different combinations of these, you’ll get a different feeling. Add to that other variables: who you’re with, where you doing it, what the weather’s like…
One more thing: Stop faking it! Yes, there are several reasons why both men and women fake orgasms. Stop settling for catering to others' egos and be selfish for once! You deserve that orgasm! It is your right as a living, breathing, tax-paying citizen of the world to reach that mountaintop of lust!!
What’s the best way you reach orgasm? Share with us in the comments. Now, excuse me, I need to prepare to celebrate this holiday the right way ;)