10:35 am Thursday, 6th October, 2016
When sexy time approaches many of us find new ways to arouse our partner’s five senses. A combination of all the right fragrances and feels might take your sex to a whole new level, so let’s talk about how to visually stimulate your partner through lingerie! Whether shopping online or in a store, and with all that choice, you can end up feeling like you are rummaging through Lady Gaga’s closet. No need to worry, with knowledge of the types of fabrics and frills you’ll encounter, you’re sure to find exactly what you’re looking for.
A common fabric used in lots of lingerie. It’s made out of cotton or silk and is most known for its intricate open-holed patterning. Lace is often used in the simply to outline the outer edge of garments like camisoles and slips that can be worn under everyday clothing or even in the bedroom. Many designers utilise cotton lace to create all-lace underwear like panties, tights and bras. When deciding to go for lingerie that can be hidden under everyday wear, seamless lace garments are a popular find. One thing to note is although lace can be made of cotton, the fabric doesn’t absorb moisture the same way pure cotton underwear does so keep that in mind.
No need to fear this hot commodity! Leather and faux leather lingerie may be your newest sexy addition to the bedroom. Faux leather lingerie is commonly made with vinyl which is most often more affordable than genuine leather garments. Everything from corsets, to garters to chaps can be found in leather or faux leather. Another popular addition to the leather family is patent leather which tends to be found in a lot of shoes, and is characterised by its high glossy appearance. It’s important to note that not all leather pieces have to come with metal spikes and studs as seen on T.V. Leather is a classic staple in many lingerie stores and it’s important to try on any leather pieces that you intend to purchase. Leather lingerie should come with a lining and should fit you like a glove, and know that leather without a breathable liner can be uncomfortable and make you sweat!
Can we say smooth? When deciding on silk or satin lingerie, comfort may be ruling your choice. Many love the smooth feeling of these fabrics on the body and may even incorporate it into other aspects of the bedroom like the sheets or pillows. The difference between the two is silk is known as the authentic hypoallergenic fabric made from silk worm cocoons where as satin is an artificial version most commonly made from polyester, lycra and nylon. Satin also tends to be more glossy than silk and is much less expensive. Many chemises, robes and gowns are made of this type of fabric and move much more freely than leather or lace. Silk adjusts to body temperature more easily than satin which can be less breathable.
The fabric of our lives indeed! The body is very used to the effects of wearing cotton on the daily, so why not bring that into the bedroom where you should be the most comfortable!? Panties, bras, stockings, socks, boxers, tanks, camis, corsets, thongs, garters, bustiers, skirts–you name it and it can be found in cotton. If you like the feel and breathability of cotton undergarments, there’s nothing wrong with sticking to it. Envision all the different characters you can play while role playing…surely cotton is a key component to pulling some of those looks off!
In the end, you may choose to stick with what is most comfortable for you and your partner or decide to go completely out of your comfort zone…either can be equally as fun!