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10 Tried and Tested Tips To Add Some Serious Sex Appeal to Your Profile

8:48 am Wednesday, 28th September, 2016

Taking the time to create a good profile can be the difference between having a mailbox which is regularly full to capacity vs. an empty one. Your profile is your advert to other members, your opportunity to make a good first impression, and it's importance can not be denied. So, how do you create a good profile? There are no hard and fast rules on how to write a profile that will be successful, but by following these tips you will greatly improve your chances:

Tip 1 - Always upload a photo of yourself, it is essential.

Make sure the photo is good quality. Upload a photo to your profile! Profiles with photos receive 5 TIMES more action then those without! They say don’t judge a book by its cover but when it comes to an adult profile picture, people do just that. Profile photos say a lot more about a person than you think.

Tip 2 - Make sure it's a good photo!

Ideally you'll use a head shot where you look confident and attractive, but if you're too shy or nervous about posting a head shot then a full body shot with your face obscured is perfectly acceptable. A profile photo is a representation of you, an art form where you can express your sexual desires. It is actually not much different from erotic fiction or art movies. In your adult pics you are actually capturing your sexuality in that moment and transforming it into a film or in the case of a profile photo – unto a computer screen.

Bonus Tip

Pssst…Your profile picture is displayed next to any messages you send to other members, The hotter the picture, the more likely you will get a reply ;-)

Tip 3 - Grab their attention

Take the time to come up with an ATTENTION GRABBING HEADLINE to intrigue them! And don't just rely on using CAPS.

Tip 4 - Be interesting

Write a list of interesting things about yourself - then choose the best 3 to include in your description and write about them in greater detail.

Tip 5 - Don't be lazy

There's nothing wrong with being open to interrogation, but simply putting "Ask me anything" makes you look lazy! It's up to you to sell yourself to them, not the other way round!

Tip 6 - Always be positive

Your profile is not the place to be mentioning ex-partners, getting fired recently, or your dislike of anything in general. Remember, happy people attract other happy people!

Tip 7 - Stand out

Be creative in your approach…maybe describe yourself as if you were a fine wine, a sportscar, or the subject of movie. Think outside the box and let your personality shine!

Tip 8 - What are your desires and fantasies?

Give other members some insight into what you really want between the sheets. Starting a blog is a great way to share.

Tip 9 - Be humble and modest

For example, if you are massively well endowed, people will be able to see in your pics. No one likes a show off or know-it-all. ;-)

Tip 10 - Be honest!

See example above. Hahaha! You'll find it much easier to talk about yourself if you're telling the truth. And you won't be embarrassed when you get tripped up on a lie further down the line.

Have Fun and Happy Hunting ;-)

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