An orgasm is a transient peak sensation of intense sexual pleasure and varies from person to person. They can be whole body orgasms, extended orgasms, those which happen only with intercourse, clitoral stimulation or even just kissing – and everyone describes them differently.
It’s the 31st of July and National Orgasm Day today, and though it might seem like a simple PR stunt from a sex toy company (and a perfect opportunity for a bunch of penis jokes), a lot of anxiety and stress can arise from the issue. We can place so much importance on trying to achieve orgasm at the same time as a partner, or how good the orgasm will be, that we often forget about enjoying the sensations of touch and sexual pleasure throughout the whole bonking experience. After all, no one goes to a concert to hear the last few notes!
We hope you will do your bit everyone!
One more thing: Stop faking it! Yes, there are several reasons why both men and women fake orgasms. Stop settling for catering to others' egos and be selfish for once! You deserve that orgasm! It is your right as a living, breathing, tax-paying, citizen of the world to reach that mountain top of lust!!
Now, excuse me. I need to prepare to celebrate this holiday the right way ;)
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