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The Naked Truth on Your Birthday Suit

11:48 am Monday, 11th May, 2015

Do you really know your own naked body? It will be vaguely familiar, of course. I mean, you do take showers and stuff. But have you ever paid close attention, other than to give it some unhelpful critique? If you don’t already, then maybe you should get to know your body. That’s right! You should get good at being naked. Why? Here are some reasons…

This is You

Under all those clothes, this the way you actually look. The rest is a disguise. Your body may seem less a wonderland and more a mysterious wilderness that occasionally sprouts a strangely placed hair like a flag, thus declaring its eternal independence. But no matter how separate from your body you feel, you are your body. And it is you.

It’s More Fun

Everyone feels a little awkward about being naked from time to time. Ever done that squirmy-inside-the-clothes dance that usually results in either a new outfit or yourself falling on your face in the changing rooms? How much more fun would life be when you feel good about being naked? A lot, I’m willing to bet. Not that you have to whip everything off in front of some strangers, but it’s better not to have to worry about them seeing something unflattering. How much more fun is it to feel like your naked body is flattering? SO MUCH MORE FUN.


This is a big one. And it’s better when you like the way you look and when you are comfortable being naked. Otherwise, it can be really, really awkward. It can be “please just turn off the light before I take this robe off” awkward. It can be “wait, do you have a flashlight so I can find my way back to my robe afterwards” awkward. Yikes, I hope it’s never that awkward.. But sex can definitely get pretty un-amazing when you’re worried about your body. And your body definitely has to be (at least relatively) naked for sex. For amazing sex, body confidence is an absolute necessity. And I’m assuming we all want to have amazing sex? Right? OK, good.


The better you feel naked, the better you’ll feel in clothes. Because clothes won’t just be about hiding things, they’ll be about celebrating things. I want my clothes to be a celebration. Is that asking too much of them? I think not!

Because it’s Always Going to Be There

Like a mountain. But a lot less dangerous and snowy. I mean, mine isn’t snowy. If yours is, that’s totally fine. Our bodies are challenging, though. They’re complicated and disobedient and sometimes they feel like they need to be tamed. Sometimes they are an obstacle that needs to be overcome. Climbed, if you will. Like a ruddy great mountain. Or maybe they just need to be appreciated more. That’s what I really think. So a little less like Mount Everest and a little more like a puppy. It just needs attention! Accept your flaws, give your body love and attention and it will reward you with feelings of happiness and comfort. And sex appeal.

Love Yourself

If you can walk around your apartment naked and happy, walking across a room in clothes is probably a piece of cake. If you can eat a piece of cake naked and happy (this might be my ultimate goal, in life), then you can definitely do anything. Liking yourself naked is liking yourself exposed, flawed, complicated, and undone. If you can like yourself like that, you can face the world proud and naked! Or just proud—with the confidence of a confident naked person.

So … do it! Stand naked in front of a mirror for a while. Do this more than once. Try walking around naked. Possibly eating cake. Have sex with the lights on, and take time to admire your own body in action.

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