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Things you should avoid doing in the bedroom..at all costs

2:17 pm Wednesday, 20th August, 2014

There’s plenty of things you should avoid doing during sex and then there’s those that are just face-slappingly awful things you can do that are more never-nevers than no-nos. Here’s our compilation of the worst possible things to do in the throes of passion!

No Phones

Never answer, pick up or even look at your phone let alone composing a text or having a conversation. It doesn’t matter whether it’s work or your dear old mum. Yes they’re important but your sex life is also top priority and you wont be getting much more out of someone if you interact with your phone whilst they’re trying their best pleasure you. You’re just going to offend them and completely put them off you if you don’t give them your full attention. So phone on silent, divert your calls and enjoy the passion. Boring texts and calls come later, could just be a cold caller anyway!

Bog Standard

Toilet humour can be absolutely hilarious...when you’re not intertwined in some compromising position where your rear end is exposed so that any noxious gas soon travels to your partner’s nose. Chances are their urge to jump your bones will die a swift yet horrific death, turning into more of a desire to jump off you to open some windows. So no boffing in the bedroom, unless you’re not getting it on or about to do so. Otherwise depending on how much of a couple of big kids you are, it’s absolutely fine as it’s another reason that you laugh together.

Build It Up

There’s no gold olympic medal for thrusting, so don’t hump like there is! Especially not when you’ve skimped on foreplay and things aren’t quite as juiced up...Even if you’re a fan of rough sex, flapping around like a fitting trout when you’ve barely made any effort warming up to full sex can’t be that pleasurable for your partner. Chances are they wont be to be able to get into a rhythm as they’re not feeling this tempo, not quite yet anyway so it’s also in your interests to take it slowly.

Steer clear of these not so sexy sins and keep the passion alive.

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