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Why Do People Cheat?

12:59 pm Monday, 16th June, 2014

What we’re about to list here are the main reasons why someone cheats on their partner. There’s this widespread belief that men do all the cheating but there’s also a lot of women who aren’t completely innocent and these reasons do generally apply to both genders.

No Smoke Without Fire, No Cheating Without Problems

This one is as simple as they got too drunk, no amount of alcohol condones having sex with someone else but inhibitions are loosened under the influence. It’s most likely that there was a problem or strain somewhere in the relationship for this to happen though, even when someone is entirely plastered to the point that they don’t know what they’re doing, they still remember their name, address and their friends etc. So why is their partner and their feelings about them any different? A cheat when they ‘don’t know what they’re doing’ will stem from some issue somewhere in the relationship.

Backed Against A Proverbial Wall

If they feel like there’s no future with you but the relationship is still going on then they might be pushed to cheat. They don’t necessarily want to hurt you but they want to explore other people. They may also feel pressured into it, a lot of people who are due to be married find that they feel cornered and ultimately such commitment when they’re not ready for it causes them to make one last grasp at freedom whilst they can.

Mis-Matched Lust

If your sexual appetites are unmatched then chances are that the partner with a bigger need for sex is going to stray elsewhere. So if you turn your partner down on their advances a lot, then you may find that they’re sexually frustrated. All human beings have needs, although some people can give or take sex, many people need to feel desired by their other half. A couple needs to attempt to compromise if an unbalance in their want for sex is causing an issue in their relationship or eventually the sexually frustrated partner could end up cheating. Sit down and talk about how much sex you would both like to be having and meet in the middle. Companionship is lovely but it will only go so far if physical needs aren’t being met.

There’s many more reasons why someone may cheat on their other half but these are a few of the most common.

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