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Getting Rid Of The Christmas Jiggles

12:52 pm Friday, 3rd January, 2014

You’ve eaten the mince pies, the turkey and all the chocolates off the tree, now all that’s left in the house is the three year old tinned peaches that no-one wants. Needless to say, your probably feeling a bit stodgy! That tire of gluttony that sits on your waist like Saturn’s rings round a humungous, gaseous planet aint gonna shift itself. It should be the next thing on your ‘to do’ list now you’ve slumped your way out of party mode and into the new year. Where to start though? So many calories, so little time! Well, here’s our lowdown on getting rid of the festive junk in your trunk.

Walking Works

Getting out and walking is one of the cheapest things you can do, the weather’s still a little bitter so don your toastiest clothes, your heftiest hiking boots and a flask of good ol’ fashioned hearty soup to warm you and your date’s cockles. To be extra romantic, head out with enough time to reach a great resting place where you can sit and watch the sun rise or set, if you choose the latter make sure that you have plenty of sources of light with you!

Climb Till You're Fine

Getting fit doesn’t have to be as boring as incessant pounding of a treadmill for what seems like an endless eternity, there’s loads of choice out there and you can also get your hottie involved. How about a spot of rock climbing? Be it indoor or outdoor, it’s challenging, exciting and certainly beats the gym. This activity will require teamwork as well as a hint of competitiveness between you and them. This extra chemistry will most likely be pretty intense and increase the flirtation and sexual chemistry between the both of you. Mraow.

Rock ‘N’ Rollll

Roller blading and roller skating are hilariously fun ways of picking up your activity levels, you’ll be shifting the calories and not even realise you’re working, as you speed along and race one another or simply hold onto one another for dear life!

Hopefully you will see something that you like on this list and get those derrieres moving together until your both beach ready for a hot summer together!

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