10:09 am Monday, 23rd December, 2013
Many have what they would call a ‘strange penchant’ toward something sexually. Whilst most people would keep this information under wraps, there are others that don’t and we have found some rather interesting ones that might just float your boat. These strange practices can be found around the world and if you’re looking to add some extra strange activity to your bedroom endeavours then read on for our top ideas.
Please don’t confuse this with necrophilia; although similar, in this instance both persons involved are alive. Pseudonecrophilia involves one person playing dead whilst the other person has sex with them. To improve the reality of the scenario the ‘dead’ person can lie in cold water for a while to reduce their body temperature or cover themselves in make-up to reflect a dead person.
Although this might seem impossible, it is actually achievable. Autopederasty is the act of a man having sex with himself using his penis placed inside his anus. Whilst this might seem an impossible task to some, it is actually true. Although few and far between, there are men out there who can actually get into that position.
This involves the practice of watching someone being vomited on, or doing the vomiting yourself. Many are aroused by viewing, smelling or touching vomit and may have a desire to watch others undertake the act. In the instance of a person receiving sexual gratification from doing the vomiting a person will be turned on by the sequence of events that lead to the vomiting such as the spasm, ejaculation and the relief.
If any of the above are not your cup of tea then we understand, however we strongly believe that you should never knock it unless you’ve tried it (with exception to emetophilia, that’s just disgusting).