9:47 am Friday, 25th October, 2013
You’ve already split from your ex at least once and you’re considering making a go of things again. Here’s the lowdown on why you should leave an ex relationship well alone.
You Can’t Iron Paper, It’s Too Delicate
To be rather metaphorical a relationship is like a piece of paper, once you’ve screwed it up you will never get it back to how straight it originally was. There will always be creases, even if you try to smooth them out, there will always be the indentations of where the folds began to remind you that they will always be there no matter how much you try to conceal them. In layman’s terms things are never going to feel as they did as when you were previously together. So if it’s memory of what you were that you’re trying to salvage and revive then sorry to burst your bubble but it’s not gonna happen like that.
All Good Things Come To An End
That fresh, first trimester of a relationship period is great, everything is shiny and brand new and the otherwise irritating traits of your partner are endearing and make them all the more lovable. However by starting over with your ex and recycling your old relationship, you’re gonna miss out on that excitement that is one of the perks of a romantic partnership.
Chalk And Cheese
Generally, when a couple break up they aren’t compatible, so you’ve pretty much already ruled one another out as a good match. So why do you need to learn the hard way all over again? As chances are given your incompatibility the relationship will eventually fall to it’s knees and you will come round back to this, square one, except with even less time on your ticker.
Groundhog Day
If there was reason for trust issues first time round such as cheating why would the second time round be any different? A solid relationship has a foundation of trust that supports it, if your ex has betrayed you before do you really want to be worrying about it recurring?
Reconciliating a relationship that’s already been and gone is like flogging a dead horse, you’ve identified that you weren’t right for each other for whatever reason and got through the hardest part of ending it, yet you’re talking about putting yourself through it all over again. It might sound harsh and easier said than done but perhaps it's best you say goodbye to one another and move on with your lives. Right now it will seem difficult to let go, but one day you will most likely look back and be grateful that you didn’t walk back into a situation where you were unhappy, that is should you choose to leave it in the past and remember your relationship for the good times.