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Taking Your Sex Life Beyond The Bedroom And To The Outdoors

2:16 pm Wednesday, 23rd October, 2013

Your bedroom's four walls are inducing cabin fever, every discernible square inch of the house has endured the entire karma sutra twice over and now the garden is
looking tempting..new territory. However once the lawn and tool shed have been christened, what then? Well, possibly the great outdoors like the increasing thousands
of other adventurous lovers out there. So other than a need for a change of a bonking backdrop, what reasons would someone have to follow the call of nature in well… the nature?
Also what about the risks involved?

Outdoor Sex: The Risks

Many say it's the thrill, the possibility that you might get caught. Whilst you might just give the old dear at the local park a fright as you're writhing around under the bench she
chooses to sit down on to eat her cucumber sarnies, you may also gain the attention of a few people you would rather not bear witness to your shenanigans and some serious
consequences to boot. The constabulary don't take public copulation too lightly, to give an example there was recently a story of a couple being jailed for ten weeks for getting down
and dirty in front of a town's train station and dozens of astonished passers by.

Outdoor Sex: Being Careful

Outdoor sex however, is possible without attaining a criminal record and landing yourself a humble jail sentence. Many the audacious couple enjoy their regular, fresh aired nooky
and keep their friends, families and law enforcement oblivious to their naughty, alfresco antics. They're simply discreet about it and don't turn their nose up to a spot of light planning that is inevitable to keep green coitus, covert.

Outdoor Sex: Don’t Hurt Yourself

Should you wish to venture out beyond the oh so sameliness of your boudoir, make sure you remember to take a few things into account. Such could include how public an area it is you're going to get playful in and the likeliness someone will stumble upon your naked bods as they take the terrier for a morning jog. The environment also needs to be given due respect as injury is possible whether you're in or out of your house. Is the sun blazing upon your melanin-challenged back that is screaming out for an SPF of at least three figures? Are you going to get ants in your pants and suffer the wrath of the local diminutive wildlife up against that tree hollow? How about that rock? That's a comfy looking rock, are you going to do any damage to yourselves with your combined weight gyrating against it?

Outdoor Sex: Conclusion

So generally if you want to roll around in the grass on the local football pitch or get your rocks off in the sea, just be careful how you go about it. Although the thought of getting caught can be exciting, the scenario if you actually were uncovered doing the deed could be less appealing. As long you are attentive you will be fine, so have an enjoyable, mucky time, in more
than one sense of the word!

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