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Find Out What Damage Winter is Causing to Our Sex Lives

12:27 pm Wednesday, 2nd October, 2013

Winter’s creeped it’s way in and those scorching days where you ended up a flamboyant shade of pink because of having a snooze on the patio are long gone. So you plan on using a bit of nooky to keep you warm and entertained throughout the wintry months but when it comes to it, you just don’t feel up to the task. What’s going on?

Low Libido Facts

It’s been scientifically proven that the seasons can affect libido and there are different reasons why. Many scientists believe that our cave dwelling ancestors’ sleeping patterns during the winter may have a lot to do with it as they needed as much energy that they could retain during the freezing weather and so their bodies would slow down, including their sex drives.

The cold weather seems to make everyone want to eat comfort food, at some point this is probably going to lead to weight gain. This urge to devour more food during the cold is also a natural behavior for the human body to carry out. The logic behind this is to create an extra energy store and layer of warmth for perilous winter ahead. Of course we are no longer in the caveman times and this extra blubber for most people is an adverse addition to their body and can potentially also mean people being less adventurous in the bedroom department due to a hampering of their confidence and overall mood.

Nerve endings aren’t as responsive in the cold as they are in warmer temperatures, so by having sex when you’re cold you could find yourself struggling to enjoy yourself or reach orgasm. So ensure that you’re all wrapped up and under the duvet if you’re getting down to it or stick the heating on for an hour or so to warm your extremities up, especially women. A woman is much less likely to orgasm if her feet are chilly so some new socks may be a great investment, fleecy socks may not be the sexiest but they sure beat not enjoying your intimate moments with your partner.

Overall, we know the winter sucks, but if we’re not able to enjoy great sex it’s going to be a long, chilly season. So get yourselves well and truly revved up prior to getting a bit kinky and consider forking out a bit on the heating, or maybe a couple of onesies. Strictly ‘sexy onesies only though.

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