10:18 am Wednesday, 21st August, 2013
Your first task on our dating platform is to complete your profile. Make sure that you have made the effort too. You will be matched on your keywords and you need to give visitors enough information to let them know about you and what you’re looking for. Once done it’s time to make your move. Online dating is not about being complacent and sitting back and thinking that all of the dates will roll in. After all, it is a very competitive market if you think about it. Making the first move however can be a little daunting. Will they say yes? Will they ignore me? Will they like me? The fear of rejection is enough to put many off but one has to remember that people will say no or not answer your email for many other reasons than they simply don’t you.
Make Friends
The way our site is set up is to encourage a more social way to date. Use this to your advantage and remember you do not need to go in for the kill and ask for a date or try it on straight away. Take you time and make friends. Simply noticing that someone shares the same interests as you is enough to connect in the beginning. Send them a friend request and connect with them via another subject. Once you get to know them better, and feel more comfortable, then asking for a date won’t be so difficult.
The Approach
The first email is probably the most crucial point of contact. It can make or break you so try these tips:
Keep the email in friendly and approachable tone.
You do not need send a life story. Make sure it’s short and straight to the point.
Try to include why you’re attracted to them and include a little bit about you in it. If you’re connecting because they were your closest match on the site, then include this in your email.
Make sure it’s original. If you consider the rest of mankind to be of lower intelligence in comparison to you, and not likely to bust your ‘copy/paste’ email, then think again. I assure you it is obvious. Don’t make this fatal mistake: it will cost you dates.
More Ways to Approach People on our Dating Platform
If you’re taking it slow and not wanting to approach using email then why not use a person’s wall. The dating platform is set up in a similar style to Facebook and you can use this to your advantage. By commenting on people’s pictures and activity and joining in their conversations you can connect with someone in a simpler way.
In addition you can also send a flirt or add people to your hotlist. If you send a flirt to someone from their profile wall, this will send an automatic message to say that you like them. Also when you add someone to your hotlist, they will be notified and it’s a way to tell someone that you find them hot.
On our dating platform there are numerous way’s to get the ball rolling and connect with other members. Not all of them need to be a straight out ‘trying it on’ method. We hope these tips have helped you somewhat and don’t forget that you can contact
SiteAdminLydia if you need any help with your online dating profile once inside.