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Safe Dating Offline

8:47 am Friday, 24th May, 2013

Always remember - SAFETY FIRST!
Sure, you might be excited about your date, but that doesn't mean you should also
yourself to be put into a vulnerable position.

Plan ahead.
Tell a friend or family member where you are going, what time you expect to be back, and
who you are going to meet. Make sure your mobile is fully charged before you go out, and
call them if you aren't going to be back on time.

Do it in public.
Arrange to meet your date in a familiar and public place, so that you feel comfortable in
your surroundings. Never arrange to meet for the ?rst time in somewhere that isn't public.

Don't get drunk!
You might be nervous but getting drunk will not only will you impair your judgement, but
you'll make yourself vulnerable, and may end up embarrassing yourself.

Be aware of your possessions & drinks.
Never leave your drink unattended! If you need to go to the bathroom either wait until
you've ?nished your drink, or take it with you. You should also be wary of your belongings,
like purse/wallet, mobile phone, bag, etc.

Take it slowly.
Don't expect the date to result in a sexual encounter! If it does, then that's great, but don't
let the thought of sex govern the way the date goes, or you'll most likely end up going
home alone.

End on a high!
Be prepared to end the date on a positive note! It's better to run out of time and have to
leave some conversational topics until the next date, than be sat awkwardly with nothing to
talk about. Arranging for a friend to collect you at a pre-arranged time is a great way of
doing this, plus it keeps you safer.

Make your own arrangements.
Always arrange your own travel to and from the date. Never let your date make
arrangements on your behalf.

Be polite!
Even if the date was a complete disaster, you should be polite, courteous and say thank
you before you leave. And if it was an absolute pleasure, then you should have no trouble
telling them anyway!

Do things at your own pace.
Don't feel pressured into arranging a second date on the spot. If you're certain you want to
meet them again, then go for it, but if you think you need time to evaluate how the date
went when you're on your own tell them you're unsure of your diary commitments, but that
you'll get back to them.

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