I have just came out of a 16 year realtionship that i entered into at 21. Before that I was not the type to sleep around so have had very limted experiance in the bedroom. Not in respect to making chicks cum i can easily achieve that but i have a lot of curiosity about various things. A lot has crossed my mind ant there is a lot i would like to try. Im not attracted nor can I even picture being guy on guy in saying this ive got a bit of a facination with DP and the likes of that line of things. Im going to e broken in gently by some open minded understanding people. There is also a million things i can think of wanting to try 1 on 1 with a patient open female (or 2 at same time lol) Im in
Dunedin NZ if anyone here sees it but also any advise from slightly more experienced people woul also be appreciated>
Brand new looking to explore and try out new things. fit tanned good build