Friendship is a funny thing. It has boundaries and conventions that are not always of our own making, and which for some reason or another we sometimes fear to cross. Despite that, I wonder how many of us fantasise about seducing a good friend, or being seduced by them. Quite often, we fear (or are told to fear) that the friendship will never be the same again: 'sex complicates things' is usually how it's put. Maybe that's the case, but sex can also intensify things, and even if it happens only once it can make a relationship more enjoyable, and create a secret that is made just for two. Here's my story about how I came to seduce a good friend. We still have our friendship, as before, but it has been enhanced by what we do in private, without the knowledge of our many mutual friends. The two of us still meet up to have exciting and sexy times, with no damage to how we enjoy each other's company.
I've known M since about 1997, and though I always wondered if she fancied me, I never pushed towards finding out until 2009. M is a gorgeous BBW (big beautiful woman, for those of you who don't know), with natural red hair, pale skin and a face which I can only describe as captivating. I've always found her tremendously sexy - her curves radiate sexy womanliness, her face promises the joy of long, intimate kisses, and her breasts give the prospect of hours of licking and suckling, giving pleasure to both. As to what lay beneath her trousers I could only speculate - but speculate I did!
One night we went out for a drink, and as the evening mellowed us the talk turned to our sexual tastes and experiences. It was the first time, truthfully, we had ever talked so intimately, and the spark of recognition that jumps between two sensualists was certainly there - and, what's more, I could see she recognised it was there, too. On that night I received the confirmation that I had always wondered about: she certainly HAD fantasised about me, and was likely to be persuaded to gratify her curiosity.
I invited her over to stay the night, on the flimsy pretext of cooking her a meal accompanied by wine. She duly accepted, and was indeed there with an overnight bag on my doorstep the following weekend. On my doorstep she looked fresh and excited, slightly flushed, dressed in a white blouse and black trousers, her bare feet clad in sandals. After we had eaten, we sat down on the couch, close to each other, to take a glass of wine.
For two whole minutes we did nothing. After that, I turned to her and said 'You know I invited you here to seduce you, don't you?' 'I was totally expecting that', she said with a smile. With that I took her into my arms, and our lips met, momentarily, before they opened and our tongues began to probe the interior of each other's mouths. She told me later that her last boyfriend had not liked to kiss, and it was his loss because M is gifted and passionate, and with her tongue set my heart pounding. A kiss should never be rushed: it is the true starting point of a sexy evening or afternoon, and should be enjoyed and protracted, even when one's hands are wandering elsewhere.
My hands, indeed, soon moved to the yielding softness her luscious breasts, and as we continued to kiss I was pleased to feel M's hand, first on my thigh, and then more purposefully on the swelling that was restrained behind the buttons of my jeans. My own hand crept down to M's thigh, and I massaged the softness of her inner leg through the fine cotton of her trousers. Still we kissed, long and hard - kissed 'like they do in the movies', she said - until we reached a point at which passion must needs be satisfied by action. My thumb was circling the perceptibly moistened junction of M's parted thighs, whilst her hand marked out the length (and much of the girth) of my stiff manhood, and I separtated my mouth from hers to invite her to join me upstairs, on my king-size iron-framed bed. There was no hesitation. Hand in hand, and giggling like a pair of teenagers, we climbed up to the bedroom.