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My Loving Fantasy sealed with a kiss x

12:23 am Thursday, 12th September, 2019

        Part   l       
     Lee walked into the cosy, quaintish country pub, heart pounding. He had met Lucy on the site allmost twelve months ago now. Their shallow, allmost generic flirting had developed quickly as they where equally enthralled and surprised not only by their undeniable 'connection'. How they both cringed at that cheesey overindulged word; but by their obvious and welcome spirit. Leading to a shared, kindred longing they both still harboured doubts truly existed. Secretly, humbley and with a burning intensity somewhere inside though, they both knew that it did. That this was real. Something far greater than the unquenchable lust that permiated every single word they had typed, and then more recently spoke on the phone.     They had agreed to meet this night as Lee had three full days and nights following without commitment. Unusuall in his hectic 'vanilla' life. Lucy was from a more privaliged social stratus and had none of the work or family commitments that strangled her new 'freind'. Lee had driven. Jesus was he excited, the nervous, erotic craving, all his wants, his secrets, his fears and desires leading him to this beautifull, intelligent, whitty, supremely sexy woman and this moment.       As he walked in his temperature rocketed as there sat Lucy, perched exactly where she had promised. They had discussed at great length and with great enjoyment and kink fuelled honesty what he should wear. He wore 'normal' clothes... well to the naked eye. Black fitted tailored shirt. His skin tight black, faded, cotton jeans. Cuban heeled swaide gents ankle shoes. He looked handsome. Lucy smiled at him, what a fucking beautifull, beautufull, cheeky, sassy smile he thought as with a wink and a wiggle of her wine glass she wickedly and effortlessly provocatively gestured him another drink before he sat. My God Lee thought. She is even more delicious in real life. Possibly the most stunningly good looking woman on earth... never mind in this place.  Lucy knew, she just knew he would be wearing as she wanted underneath. He was. Totally shaven silky smooth from his eyebrows down Lee wore brand new silk hold up stockings, he had so enjoyed pulling them up his smooth, creamed legs not long ago and matching the tops precisely.  Black, lacey half G-string, half knicker panties that he had pulled up very snugly. All the way up between his pert bum cheeks. A black silk n lace corset pulled ever so tight with 'chicken fillet' fillers this gave his very toned chest a genuine cleavage underneath his shirt.....  He could allmost hear his gorgeous lingerei swishing underneath. At 5' 7"  and 11 stone Lee was a in very good shape. Since the possibility of this meeting had several months previous appeared possible he had ate well and increased his running, push ups and more than that his swats to put him in the best shape he could.   Lucy was just, well as allready described beautifull. So outrageously sexy she could with ease had her pick of men, women, shemales, trannys, sissys, alpha's, couples or what or who so ever she desired on the site. Or in this pub now. At 5'8" in bare, size 5 to 6 feet she had a valuptuous DD pert bust. She had what Lee termed wealthy skin. Healthy and without blemish. The first time she had sent him a private photo of her bust Lee had become stiff in his knickers instantly. As he ordered their drinks barely could he believe his luck that he might actually later be able to touch and kiss and lick. To behold and to love and worship them. Lucy had bright blue eyes as did he. Her natural blonde hair fashionably styled, not short but not too long to look even the tiniest bit cheap for a woman of 41. Though she looked much, much younger. Her body was toned. Swimming, jogging, yoga and diet coupled with wonderfull genes and a well heeled life helped. She dressed so stylishy too. She sat tonight in an obviously expensive white, tight dress. Showing off a perfect amount of her generous cleavage, and her feminine toned arms. The dress clung around her strikingly slim waist and down to just below her knees, with a very sexy cut to half way uo her thigh on one side. Her dark red matching silk bra and knicks teasingly visible in the right light. Her bra was soft and revealing. Her legs simply perfect. Slender ankles shown off by er leapord print open toe 6 inch stilletoes. Her jewellery was as sublimely perfect as her mak-up and natural perfectly manicured nails.......     

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Slim, shy(ish), sexy(ish), sissy! Cute bum looking to learn, please and play x

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