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The phone call which ruined the UK

7:48 pm Wednesday, 7th August, 2019

Back in 2016 a few weeks before referendum on brexit it was looking 50-50 which way the vote would go. However charismatic Nigel had a brainwave. He thought who is the most charismatic person besides me in UK? It dawned on him that the man who would be king, the blonde bombshell was the man. However BJ was backing Cameron. So Nigel phoned him and said if you side with leave we will win and you will be guaranteed the PM job. He added we can tell the gullible public anything they will believe it. This was too good to refuse thought BJ. It is something I always wanted after all I was born to be king.
After the event it was remarkable how they all slid under their stones. Only to reappear later to contest the PM job. Mrs May thankfully managed to win. Now BJ and his cronies cannot get us out quickly enough. 
So when you all moan about the economy and cost of living remember who caused it with deceit. 

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I am a straight guy. However a pretty t****ertainly turns me on big time.

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