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Home > Blogs > MrThickness > Dominant hedonistic Sapiosexual wants to do bad things to you. > Blog Post

Some musings on touch.

10:55 am Friday, 28th June, 2019

Remember the days when simply holding someone's hand made your heart race?
When caressing your back took all the stress of the day away?
...and a kiss left you unable to form a complete sentence?What happened to those days?Now we are consumed with the moment or the number of retweets, likes, thumbs and egocentric "you are so blah" comments.
We are constantly putting out fires or trying to climb another mountain in our career, another moment of zero connection, which lead to looking back at those flashes of moments and sinking in the regret of not reaching out and grabbing them...Doesn't anyone touch anymore?I, for one, live for the small detail.
The nuances - of skin, or the anticipation.
Touch Me. Allow me to touch you.Let my fingers find those neglected spots of your skin.
Allow yourself to slow down...
to soak it in...
to remember how it feels to have your heart race again.

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Dominant hedonistic Sapiosexual wants to do bad things to you.

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