So. I've decided to tell a friend of mine, about Stephanie. I don't know what to expect from her? But as she put it. "cool!" then proceeded to tell her everything about Stephanie. Including the fact that I'm Bi-curious. Which she half expected from me.
There's a bonus with me telling my friend. She's offered to help me look more convincing, including going clothes shopping. Which I had the chance today.
I now need to find the courage to tell my parents. I'm hoping that my good friend will hold my hand when I finally tell them?
10:53 am Tuesday, 15th June, 2021
Take strength from the way she accepted you for who you are and grow in yourself. If you parents don't accept it then you have a very dear friend who will look after you and there will be others who will come into your life who will support you and ignore the dicks who don't understand. Love Janice X |