Home > Blogs > slaveandhersir > after over half a year of having this profile and due to sir leaving the uk i have had to say a fond but sad goodbye to him and all this profile relates to UPDATE 13/03/09 > Blog Post

marked as his slave

4:06 pm Tuesday, 7th October, 2008

we have arranged to meet up when you finish your meetings as after many years of putting it off i have decided to take the brave step to have my nipples pierced ..many times i have said i would do it but as i have a terrible fear of needles ive never quite managed it.....this is something we had talked about previously you told me some time ago you had both nipples pierced and yuor cock.although you told me you no longer have your cock pierced but wear a cock ring ..a permananet marking on my body as your slave ..something that i am happy to do as a symbol of my commitment to you as your slave....you have no idea how big a step this is for me . not just because of what it symbolises for us but because just the thought of needles makes me feel sick to my stomach....i am doing this because i want to ... mainly for me... to try to conquer a fear thats been there far too long.... but i have asked you if you will come with me as my master. to support me as you do with everything ....for me anything i do with you or for you is about making you proud of me......i park up at the agreed place we are meeting and jump into your car ....visibly i look calm, inside my stomach is churning and its on my lips to say i can't do this as we head into town , "nervous little miss? "......you know i am but as usual determination drives me ............

before i know it we are walking through town heading for the piercing parlour ........before we go in you look at me i know i look nervous... you are really giving me a last chance to change my mind ...im apprehensive as we climb the stairs we have to wait a short while ..you wander round looking at jewellery while i try to settle my nerves ..i'm aware you keep looking over though ...probably to check im not ready to run off...we are being called through i look behind me making sure you are there. i am asked to sit on a bed ....i keep looking to you for the encouragement i know i need ...you smile at me and as always ask if i am ok ...i nod not sure my voice will work ...my nipples are being clamped ...the person doing the piercing makes an innocent comment about my nipples not being very responsive to the clamp .....i look at you to see that wicked look in your eye and the smile i recognise on your face .............im silently willing you not to say a word ...not to divulge that the previous evening they were very responsive to your touch and can imagine what words are on your lips as i remember back to last night......giving me something to focus on other than the fear i can feel rising inside me ...i look away as she prepares to pierce my right nipple looking at you my eyes not wavering....... i flinch as the needle goes in but its over in seconds
yet another comment of you are being very brave eilicts another grin from you as you look into my eyes i can almost read your mind ........"no she is being very obedient".........i smile back at you knowing only we are aware of what memories those looks between us hold and what my actions today prove to you as i totally commit to being your slave...the left nipple is even more painful as again i focus on you and try to distance myself from whats happening .. .but its over now, i sit up carefully, a little shaky but feeling okay ...i know you are proud of me it shows on your face ........

leaving the piercing parlour my legs are quite shaky and i see the concern on your face but i steady myself as we head off to the car park chatting about taking care of the piercings and you telling me what kind of sensations i may experience once they have healed,we driveback to where i have left my car parked up......we chat for a while remembering things from the previous evening talking about what was good for us and what we class as any low point ..... but you have to leave you have a long journey home and you are already suffering pain and discomfort from your rib.. as you say goodbye you have a mischievious look on your face as you look around the car park weighing up how safe it is......the disappointment shows on your face when you realise you have parked too publicly to be able to climb in the back with me for one last throat fucking before you have to go.... instead you remind me ............."i will see you thursday little miss"...........we drive off together side by side at the traffic lights as you go your way and i go mine ....... lost in my own thoughts of how wonderful our evening together had been .i wonder as always what your thoughts are on our time together...... i feel the sadness lifting from earlier as i realise its barely a week till we can meet again.................... looking forward to our next meeting when as you have told me you will put me through many challenges with you and the other person you have chosen to join us...........

Blog Introduction

after over half a year of having this profile and due to sir leaving the uk i have had to say a fond but sad goodbye to him and all this profile relates to UPDATE 130309

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