i awake, its early and you are moving beside me.........unbeknown to me you have been awake a while and are laying there expectantly but becoming impatient with me
I am supposed to be sucking your cock and yet again i am in trouble for not waking first......... I expect there will be a lesson for me soon enough for my disobedience..........im half asleep and slightly groggy still but you don't care............ as a reminder of the fact my mouth cunt and ass are yours to use when you feel like it you roughly turn me over and thrust your cock straight into my mouth.............. as hard and deep as you can possibly manage....... making me take every inch of you .........swelling more and more as you slide towards the back of my throat....fucking my mouth as you grip my hair and saying "now maybe you will remember little miss to wake me as i requested".........you pull out of my mouth and turn me over just as roughly........... thrusting straight into my pussy with the same urgency you had when you fucked my ass the previous evening........pounding away at me relentlessly ...pushing me further into my mattress ............again i can sense the frustration in you at me for not doing as you asked of me ............but this fucking is not for my pleasure............. its a lesson you are determined i will learn..........so yet again rather than allow me the orgasm building in me you pull out of my pussy denying me total fulfillment
we collapse onto the bed chatting for a while about moments that stand out for us both from this weekend...laughing about some moments reliving certain things............ knowing both of us will take away from this different thoughts........... but also knowing it was probably one of the most memorable times either of us have shared with anyone respectively...........
the weekend has gone so fast its almost time for you to leave .....i watch you as you pack your bag not really knowing how i feel,............... a sadness coming over me that its come to an end ......... an excitement slowly building in me at the same time ....... knowing that all you have to do is say till the next time little miss for it to happen again.....but will you say those words or have you decided that maybe you made the wrong choice in me ............now im unsure again not as confident as i have been all weekend
the last few moments we spend together before i see you to my door are spent generally chatting ......... then you turn to me and ask me "have you enjoyed our time together?".........."yes sir i have"..........."and do you still want this little miss".............if i had any doubts before i have none now as i say.."yes sir i do "............seeing the smile on your face makes me realise just how much you want this to continue as well
the last contact i have with you is as you kiss me and say "goodbye little miss"
and suddenly you are gone............... .driving away ..........leaving me with my own thoughts.....wondering what you are thinking as you settle into your journey ........how do i feel?.....................right now a little lost as though a part of me is missing .........sad that the weekend is over and hopeful that you really do want to continue this relationship with me ........i feel so different as a person to how i felt maybe a week ago ......the one thing i have no regrets about and would never change is that this weekend.took place ...........if i was asked now are you happy you didn't lock the door or didn't cancel .............my truthful answer would have to be yes................i know the choices i have made are right for me and i look forward to the next time my master desires me
after over half a year of having this profile and due to sir leaving the uk i have had to say a fond but sad goodbye to him and all this profile relates to UPDATE 130309