This is my first blog after much awaited first hook up.Request you to please ignore grammer mistake.
I was eagarly waiting for my first real meet for long time.I was feeling too much nervous as I was waiting to meet with female for almost 2.5 year,I was vergin.I chatted with many couples & female in my past here but on Sunday one of couple profile pinged me .I chatted normally,shared general information about me to know mutual interest.I can not imagine,In the morning I call from the member & they asked if I reach their place.Place was quite away from pune so I asked for few time to wait & rethink to go as he was so confident about meet while talking to him over the phone.On the same date,again I got call from him for gang bang with her wife.I refused him politely as I wanted to eat fruit alone.Chat continued for 4to5 days.On Sunday I called him and asked about safe place nd privacy.After discussion over 15min,I decided to reach place for evening meet nd started to prepare myself to travel.