Thanksgiving is just about here, and the following week is important, too! My birthday is in there, somewhere, and if I got one spank per year, I’d have a very sore bottom! Fortunately, I don’t sleep on my back…And there aren’t any volunteers lining up yet, either. Speaking of volunteers, I keep getting notes from people I’d like to at least talk with, but none of them are paying members, so they can’t read my responses. What I find odd is that they never include alternate contact info in the notes, or at least some timeframe when I could likely find them on chat? I’ve gotten into the habit of checking to see if anyone I might be interested in is on chat when I’m online, but haven’t found anyone yet. My timing is evidently atrocious.
8:27 pm Wednesday, 21st November, 2018
It was supposed to read Thanksgiving is coming, then I changed it to " just about here" and I get censored? What the heck is this? |