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And the sun comes out and shines

12:06 pm Thursday, 16th August, 2018

Good Thursday morning,

It is so true of life that you never know what is just around the corner. It is just fate that you walked that way and turned that corner. Or it would have been a different corner.

This morning I have 'met' such a nice man that writes to me very nicely and I am enjoying the interest he is taking in me.

So I will make practical arrangements to meet him. There are only three things that have to fall into place ... geography, timing and lust.... I am often full of lust and my time is my own (I am a single girl)... so it just leaves geography... and where there is a will there is a way.

Meeting someone in person need not be so rare as an eclipse of the moon, it just requires trust and planning.

There is little point going shopping and buying lovely outfits if you have nobody to parade for and ... I love parading.

It really has brightened my day.

Amber x

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