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I am going to make a new video today

7:14 am Saturday, 14th July, 2018

Good morning,

It's the weekend and it's early. I have not been up long and am just having coffee. I do hope it's going to be a lovely sunny day and is too early to tell just now but it looks promising.

I promised one of my 'admirers' that I would make a new video today. So I will as I always do what I promise.I have almost decided I will wear my black dress but I know he will like to better if I wear stockings. Most men seem to prefer a girl that wears stockings for them. 

I usually wear Elegantis though I know some girls who prefer Gios and have heard that vintage Aristoc are really nice and I must buy them some time. I usually buy mine from nylonz or stockingshq but ebay is as good as any. Elegantis ff with either cuban or point heel are quite expensive even if you buy seconds. They don't last long when you are meeting men for sex.

I may post my new video here and I hope you like it.

Amber x

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