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Sexuality of Men vs Women

1:08 pm Wednesday, 30th May, 2018

I've been a member of this site for quite a while. It's harder for men to be successful here. Because you're competing with so many men it's a hit-or-miss: all luck. Not to mention because of the non-committal nature of this site, people tend to be flaky. They just disappear even before you meet them. But this blog isn't about complaining. This is about explaining how a man can look impulsively narcissistic and stupid.

When a man hasn't had sex for a while, the urge just doesn't go away. It eats him up inside. He gets random boners. Even just touching a woman can turn him on. It gets worse as time goes by. Unlike women who have brakes in their libido, we don't. For us guys, we want to get rid of it as soon as possible because it's the only thing we think about if we ain't getting any.

I've been there and it's not pretty. It's a line I don't want to cross but I may if I don't maintain my sexual needs. So the next time a guy looks so desperate, don't be too hard on him. It's just the impulsive desire talking with no intent of disrespecting or making you feel less of a woman (because patriarchy rewards men having a lot of women while women are shamed for the same thing, but he doesn't mean this).

My point is, the sexuality of men and women are so different that you just can't generalize that you have the same wants. For women here, sex is a privilege no doubt. For men, it's a chaotic war of who can beat their competition. Because for men, masturbation is like bread and water (you're never satisfied with that) while sex is like a good meal.

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