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RACK SSC and the BDSM Lifestyle

9:33 pm Wednesday, 28th March, 2018

a diverse group of "outsiders" created the "lifestyle" as a social movement back in the late 1980's and early 1990's. we didn't fit in anywhere else so we decided to be perverts together. It was a slow growth, partially built/borrowed/appropriated from the existing foundation of the gay leather movement which had it's origination in what's known as the "old guard" leather lifestyle.  The leather biker clubs were part of this diverse origin as well, originating from returning soldiers, their military training and their codes of strong discipline. A complex diverse mix of gay and straight people are the true originators of what has become to be known as the "lifestyle".

The internet part of it is a little less mysterious.Collectively groups of "like minded perverts" created the internet aspects of the "lifestyle" as a social movement back in the late 1980's and early 1990's in the form of the USENET groups soc.subculture.bondage and alt.sex.bondage  
I was an avid participant back in the day, Watcher2 was my alias and Philip the Foole (Master of Kung Foole) was a fellow conspirator poking fun everywhere and provoking merry mayhem.  Not an originator though, I was there along for the ride.
The terms SSC, safe sane consensual was adopted as a watchword to guide the community on the perils and pitfalls inherent in pretty much every aspect of BDSM play/scenes.  

recently a new acronym RACK was coined to further this concept and bring a bit more personal responsibility into the lifestyle.
Risk Aware Consensual Kink
It shares the responsibility more equally between participants in BDSM play/scenes in that ALL parties 
Must be aware of the risks, through informed discussion and instruction where necessary to ensure all participants understand the risks associated with the play/scene, 
They must agree to the risks (consensual participation)
They understand how to monitor for those risks 
They understand their responsibility to inform their partner of onset of any and all symptoms associated with that play/scene, and that all participants of the play/scene act as quickly and as safely as possible to alleviate the issue or stop the activity and remove everything that could be causing the issue from the participant(s).  

Pretty much that's it in a nutshell, I'm pretty sure others will have much to add to it. Feel free to correct anything not factual, I'm not perfect and this is a recitation I gave off the top of my head from memory to a complete newbie who wanted to know what this all meant.  I have zero ego tied to it (grin)

I think it's a decent starting point for a longer lasting conversation we should all have with newcomers to the BDSM Lifestyle.


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