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My First Virgin Date to Expert Fuck Session - Part 1

11:58 am Sunday, 25th March, 2018

Note: I am not a professional writer, just sharing my original story with you guys.

A day of 2011:
She knew it from the first date that i was a good person to date. She smiled as I shut my front door behind her, hand tingling from where she'd held it almost all night. I practically skipped to my bathroom past my roommate, Vinay.

"Have a good time Sid?" he asked, stopping me.
I blushed lightly. "Yes, it was great."

Vinay was my opposite in every way. Where I was tall and handsome with athletic body, he was bulky with happy tummy. I had curly hair, and he was trying best to get back his hairs. His face was round and fair, like an innocent baby. But my roommate was far from innocent—he had a new girl over every other Saturday.

"You're back awful late. I thought you wouldn't come back at all until morning."
"Just because I said I might have her in bed eventually doesn't mean I was going to on the first date," I could feel my face further heating up. "I wasn't gone that long anyway."
"Buddy, you left at 1 in the afternoon. It's nearly midnight. That's a long first date, and you didn't even have sex?"

"I didn't want to," I shrugged. He followed me into the bathroom, brushing his teeth as I got ready to shower. "We didn't even kiss, i don't feel like that during meet."
"You didn't even kiss her?! What kind of date was this, anyway?"
I sighed happily. "It was a wonderful date, like... like she wanted to meet me by not kissing me during our first meet . We laughed and talked and I felt a connection I haven't felt since..."
The happiness faded out of me. I shook my head to clear those thoughts. Vinay shot me a sympathetic look as he spit out his toothpaste.
"Well if you need condoms, you know there's always some in my wallet or in my bag," he said lightly. "You don't know you can need it anytime". 

To be Continued .. 
(Please do comment if you like my story or want me to continue it .. ) 

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Exclusively Hot and Classy male to handle your partner tonight.

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