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Health Benifit of Yoni Massage - Blog 1

12:02 pm Monday, 5th March, 2018

Health Benefit of Yoni Massage - Blog 1

While I writing my blog on Health Benefit of Yoni Massage I realized this would be a very long blog if write all in to one blog and thought of splitting it in to several blogs by different block types.

First of all lets look at what is Yoni Massage. Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the vagina. Sexual organs play a major role in our physical, emotional and spiritual health and when our sexual organs are blocked due to toxins we reduce our capacity to create and move our sexual energy  throughout our body which is required for our self-healing mechanism. Many different types of blockage can occur in different parts of the body and first type would be

Sedimentations caused by toxins settling not only in capillaries in vital organs but just under the skin, and it can be felt like sand like deposits. With gentle massage with one figure? circular movements, you can dissolve the toxins and open the channels to increase circulation in the yoni.

Sedimentation is due to formation of plaque, a crystal like sedimentation and fatty acids in our circulation. These sediments were known for thousnds of years in ancient Chinese texts as “Karsai”. These blockages are happening due to;

- Ageing process- Emotional trauma- Physical trauma- Toxins such as
              - Heavy metals              - Air pollutions              - Lack of nutrition              - Pesticides in our food              - Polluted water              - Stress

These blockages are mainly due to emotional and physical toxins that block our circulatory system in sexual organs. By reducing the blood and lymph flow into our sexual organs, it also reduces energy flow for optimal function of sexual organs.

In order to have healthy functioning genitals, we need to have a rich blood supply both in and out of the sexual organs to both provide nourishment and to remove toxins. insufficient blood supply to genital area, women will find difficulty producing adequate sexual fluids and getting the proper engorgement of inner and outer lips (inner and outer labia) and the clitoris (while men will have difficulty in getting and maintaining a good erection)

To be continued with Blog - 2

12:08 pm Monday, 5th March, 2018


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Professional Gentleman with massaging skills

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