Hi, this is my first blog. I don't know what the result will be from posting it but possibly it will all be good?I have noticed a change in my life over the past 4 or 5 years that never used to be there. I am attracted to "women" who have a penis. And yes, the penis is the erotic factor for me! I wish I felt this way when I was younger because I think this would be the perfect relationship for me. Still, we can dream can't we? I'm not sure what the next step for me will be, or what opportunities may present themselves - if at all.I don't want to give up the hope that a romantic interlude, or perhaps even friendships might arise in the future. I would think that a lot of people on this site know what I'm feeling. But, when I joined the site and was writing my profile I had difficulty deciding if I was "straight" or "gay"? I had originally put "gay", because I thought if the cock was the erotic feature then I must be. Then I changed my profile to straight because it was the female person/attributes I'm attracted to, not the male. Anyway, I don't know what to think... So, I'll leave it there for now. Thanks for reading and possibly dropping a response.D
12:16 pm Wednesday, 7th March, 2018
Thanks for your input VenusRising. I guess I'd have to say that the 'sexual' attraction wouldn't be as 'exciting' (if I can say that without offending anyone?). Your reference to having some experiences with a trans woman I think might explain why I joined this site. Although, I'm still a little unsure how this site works with the different membership levels and who can and can't communicate...? 🙂 |
4:56 am Friday, 9th March, 2018
kinda different huh im kinda different also was a lot of things guy as just 1 of those thins |
11:22 pm Friday, 9th March, 2018
good luck🐰 |
3:10 pm Friday, 16th March, 2018
life is a journey live it thought fully🐰 |