For most of our marriage we've 'Swingers' of one sort or another (men-couples groups-somewhat public sex) But now--Wife who is much ''Older'' than I has developed health problems where she can't have sex anymore--(movement causes her pain & a wrong twist, turn or jerk could put her in a wheelchair--
This has been such a shock (for both of us) & a struggle to adjust to-
What we've come up with is---me transitioning (m to F) (just a tiny B cup so far)-
However--It's complicated to figure out details & to make things FUN for her-
she dosn't want to feel left out but can't enjoy sex-
she dosn't want me to be a Quote-'Gay Guy' just a submissive Female slut(like I don't have a dick)-
It's difficult to find men who will be her friend & make her involvement fun--(we've only had a few men involved so far & she enjoyed watching fem me get Used but feels left out & even useless--
I 'Think' mainly because they don't talk (much' with her -plan with her what will happen To/with Jane (fem me) ect ect-
We don't know what exactly will make her happy so need creative men to help experiment & figure things out-
In the past, she was the center of attention--Guys used to take her out for meals--laugh & talk with her-buy her gifts-give her spending money ect ect(weather I was there or not)-& she kept them more than happy-
she can't do that now--
we have come up with 'Some' ideals--but finding men who will put out the effort seems almost impossible-