Well since my last blog alot has happened, I have come out to my parents which was emitional, they both accpeted it but my dad was abit shell shocked. I then came out on my male social media page which went better than i had expected and i have alot of my friends from that page are now friends on my female social media page. My next big step is to legally change my name which should be very soon. I am now dressing full time so the name change will help me. so you could say i have started my life test aswell. which will help me in my transtion.
12:15 am Monday, 13th November, 2017
Congrats on coming out to your parents and the general acceptance that came. There'd always be shock but when there's a change and something that's "new" to people, they can have a hard time with it. Good luck with the rest of your family and friends. |